Post reports on the Virginia Democratic Party's outlook

By: Rob
Published On: 12/11/2006 3:19:31 PM

As noted by Ben, the Washington Post has an interesting article on where the Democratic party goes from here. While the Post highlights good trends for the Democrats, the party has some work to do as well. I'll let the RK blogger emeritus explain from the article:
"Obviously, we have to do better," said Lowell Feld, founder of RaisingKaine, a blog that served as a focal point for grass-roots efforts to elect Kaine last year and Webb this year. "Webb won, but we didn't win any of the [congressional] races. . . . We are really going to have to crank it up."
Quite true - it's easy to project wins all over the 2007 map by looking at districts won by Jim Webb and Tim Kaine. But, remember, local congressional candidates lost in most of those districts as well (often by blowouts). The Democratic leaders have their work cut out for them next year, despite their reasons for optimism.


Very interesting article (demnan - 12/11/2006 3:44:22 PM)
Andrew Hurst is a guy who who would have made an excellent Congressman if only he had had more money with which to advertise.  I hope we can solve the money problem and move more capable people like him into Congress nationally.

I live in Prince William County, where more and more we vote for the Democrats nationally and the Republicans locally.

They mentioned Corey Stewart, but as a Republican, Corey Stewart was an exception to the rule.  He started early and defined his candadicy on the "No Growth" issue.  Sharon Pandak had a long planned vacation to Eastern Europe and was not able to change it, thus by the time she got back Stewart had taken much of the initiative to define this election the way he wanted to.

Another item they didn't mention was the Delegate for the Occoquan District, the obnoxious Michelle McQuigg, is stepping down so that seat, which covers Occoquan and Lake Ridge will be open.  Ready for a capable young politian like Earnie Porta to make a run again for that seat.

Congratulations to Lowell, too! (LAS - 12/11/2006 5:11:29 PM)