- Now that's engaging the netroots. Nevermind that RK was down - Janet Oleszek came by and answered some of our questions anyway. More pro-Janet posts from DWJ and Kenton.
- Chap wonders why the D.C. City Council gave itself a hefty pay raise.
- Bacon warns that "Contraception is shaping up as the cultural wedge issue of the 2007 session of the General Assembly".
- Vivian reports on the latest from the Norfolk Ford plant.
- and Conaway is back.
As always, this is an open thread on RK. (Please excuse the shameless Google-bombing).
If you don't think this affects you watch the gradual creep of right wing politicians who try to then go after the IUD, then hormonal contraceptives and eventually condoms! There is a tiny movement of people who don't believe in any form of contraception at all...even the rhythm method. They breed at will and want to have as many children as possible.Extreme right wing and religous. Very, very frightening.