The conservative leaning cartoon Prickly City uses the common phrase "Payback's A Bitch" but alters the final word and substitutes Pelosi. (The phrase is so well known there's even a movie with that title).
Bitch is an extremely insulting word. Wikipedia defines it thusly:
In colloquial use, the word bitch is often employed insultingly to describe a woman as malicious, spiteful, domineering, intrusive, unpleasant or sexually promiscuous;
The Post routinely refuses to run single strips it considers offensive. Strips are carefully examined before running. (I know this because I follow Gene Weingarten's Tuesday chat and the topic of offensive comics comes up on occasion.) I guess the Post thinks women are fair game for slurs.
But this strip is not thoughtful. It is the Rush of comic strips. It just babbles back mindless hatred about liberals.
During a period of time when there was a Republican scandal on a weekly basis, Stantis, its author, went philosophical, and turned his strip into an okay version of Peanuts, making comments about the small things in daily life.
Right before election, he got the memo that he should start attacking Pelosi. So his Peanuts-like comments ended.
The coyote, which is supposed to be the 'liberal' imbecil, often expresses conservative thoughts... like in this strip, for example! The girl and the Coyote are so much Stantis himself, that he can't keep them in character.
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Thanks for the insight on the strip.
I guess "prick" comes the closest but I haven't seen that one hurled at leaders.
Barbara Streisand and other strong competent women in their fields are often referred to as "bitches." Anytime a woman stands up to men as an equal insecure "boys" pull out the "bitch" word....
Here's the headline:
Pelosi turns on one-time ally in Democrats' 'catfight in Congress'
Uhm.....she is in a public "light" if you will, and she is going to be subject to things far worse than this. Who cares what some stupid comic strip in the WaPo says anyway...
Now, I want to see a comic strip with Mean Jean Schmidt-for-brains -- stuff like that is supposed to be "fair and balanced", no?