Bush Deep in Hole, Keeps Digging

By: Eric
Published On: 11/18/2006 10:59:14 AM

To many who follow the Progressive and Democratic blogs, the notion that Dubya is the worst president ever is nothing new.  Even moderates and some Republicans have lost all faith in him - as evidenced by the landslide Democratic victories last week.

So what does Dubya do?  Why, he stays the course to historical oblivion.  This time it's not just a failed ideology coupled with incompetence and corruption, this time it's jaw droppingly idiotic.

The lesson Dubya learned from the Vietnam war: Freedom takes time but will eventually triumph over hate. 


"It's just going to take a long period of time for the ideology that is hopeful -- and that is an ideology of freedom -- to overcome an ideology of hate..."

"We'll succeed unless we quit."

While there are many hard lessons to be learned from the Vietnam experience, I don't believe I've ever heard a single person say the lesson is that freedom takes time

This shows a complete lack of understanding of the global political and economic forces that have shaped our world during the past forty years.  To imply that the Vietnamese simply choose freedom, over hate no less, is mind-numbingly moronic.

And Bush is using the feel good success story of Vietnam to tout, you guessed it, staying the course.  Just as the Vietnamese people would eventually succumb to the power of freedom, Dubya seems to believe it is just a matter of time until the Iraqi's turn their back on hate and embrace freedom.

Ok, let's pretend for a moment that Bush is right.  If it takes roughly the same amount of time for the Iraqi's to figure out that they really love freedom and not hate (yes folks, that's the real problem over there), it'll dawn on them sometime around the year 2035.

So there you have it.  If we stay the course, hold the line, and keep our eye on the ball, we will all be blogging (or whatever we do then) in 2035 about what a great success story Iraq is.

Or reality will set in and we'll be blogging that Dubya is not only the Worst President Ever, but also the Dumbest President Ever.


Bush just keeps digging . . . (cycle12 - 11/18/2006 11:12:00 AM)
Agreed, Eric; just when you think Bush couldn't be any stupider, he proves that fantasy wrong again.  Recent history has suggested that the old adage; "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging . . ." won't occur to Bush until it's much too late.  In fact, and in many ways, it's already too late. 

To repeat one possibility discussed here earlier, it may not be the Democrats who move to impeach old "W" next year.  Is it 2008 yet?  Is it January 20, 2009 yet?

Perhaps we won't have to wait that long to return sanity to the Whitehouse.


"If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging"... (Tomanus - 11/18/2006 2:57:40 PM)
for Dubya to "stop digging" he must first realize that he is in a hole. But his intellectual capacity and faculty are too limited to even allow him to make such basic analysis.

What is even more troubling is his frequent arrogant attitude that seems to suggest that he is the one who knows best and is right (kind of thinking: as long as I win elections I must be doing right or must be right).

What an insult to the people of this great country!

We can no longer say... (jackiehva - 11/18/2006 1:23:57 PM)
he never went to Vietnam--albeit decades late.  BTW, even Tony Blair is saying the Iraq war is a disaster.

Inarticulate? Oh, if only... (Silver Fox - 11/18/2006 2:00:49 PM)
The dictionary defines INARTICULATE as: Unable to speak; speechless or: Unable to speak with clarity or eloquence.  Oh, would that the first definition be the one that afflicts our president and he be totally inarticulate instead of just unable to speak with clarity or eloquence.  I cringe and blush everytime I hear him speak extemporaneously (and even his scripted speeches suffer from marbles in the mouth syndrome not to mention consistent malapropism when he deviates from the script) and to think that he represents our nation on the world stage! Bring down the curtain...2008 can't come soon enough...and the audience is liable to start throwing rotten eggs at any minute.

RE: Good catch Eric (JPTERP - 11/18/2006 2:58:34 PM)
Well, if G.W. bothered to ask the Vietnamese, they would probably say that they were fighting for freedom 40 years ago too.  (Freedom from foreign domination be it China, France, or the U.S.). 

That's not how we saw it back then, and that's certainly not how many of the South Vietnamese might have seen it, and perhaps that's the eternal problem.

I don't think G.W. is necessarily dumb, but I do think he displays a level of intellectual incuriousness that is truly dangerous . . . .

Keeping with this same theme, G.W. dropped another bomb this week.  In a follow-up to his visit with the Iraq Study Group headed by Former Secretary of State James Baker, G.W. said, the Iraq Study Group "asked a lot of good questions."  He framed it to suggest that they--the people who were studying the issue--were asking him, G.W. Bush, the foreign relations genius, for advice.  Shouldn't it have been the other way around?  Doesn't a leader consult his advisors (his experts) for their point of view?  Or is it simply that in the inverted G.W. universe, people come to consult him for advice on matters involving foreign relations?

More revisionism... (KathyinBlacksburg - 11/18/2006 3:43:53 PM)
For GWB, it's more revisionism, piled higher and deeper.  The transparent Bush Administration "plan" is to try to fool "all of the people all of the time." 

And with dumbed-down history for today's students, and the corporate stranglehold on the media, this administration will go down in history as not only having the most notorious unilateral "Decider," but also Deceiver. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, to be sure.  But he's not satisfied with his own wasted mind.  He keeps trying to spread the "wealth" of disinformation.  But manipulating younger generations who didn't live through VietNam is really unforgiveable.

It's hard to fathom just how many rewrites, contortions, and outright falsehoods he utters.  The Congres had better start calling him on this nonsense in Jan.

It's simple (Rebecca - 11/18/2006 5:00:11 PM)
It's simple. Bush is a moron.

Shadow Knows (seveneasypeaces - 11/18/2006 6:04:04 PM)
Not anywhere near as smart as Alfred E. Newman.  But they didn't want smart, they wanted gullible.  A dog kicking, frog blowing up frontman.  He was the kind of spoiled child who took his toys away if he didn't get his way.  A real blast on the playground.  He still thinks everything is HIS.

Give that Bush kid a spanking! (Rebecca - 11/18/2006 11:15:28 PM)
Time for some long overdue discipline.

Bush's quote (libra - 11/19/2006 3:53:26 AM)
We'll succeed unless we quit.

It's "funny" (as in "weird")...

*Everyone* -- blogs, MSMs -- has interpreted this sentence the same way, as meaning:"If we stay the course, we'll succeed. So let's stay the course"

But... Remember the "Eats, shoots and leaves" book? Which argued that punctuation was vital in helping one to decipher the meaning of utterances (the title, for those who're not familiar with the book, refers to a dictionary description of a panda bear. Which likes its veggies -- it eats shoots and leaves. The insertion of a comma after "eats" changes the meaning entirely). So, OK. Redraft this same sentence as:

We'll succeed... Unless we quit...

Maybe we'll succeed. Or, maybe, we'll quit. You take your pick. Eeeny-meeeny. Six o'one... It's not two clauses with one being dependent on the other (if... then...); it's two equal-partnership ones (a or b). The Decider will decide when he feels like it.

Given Bush's ineptitude with the English language, I don't know how anyone can possibly interpret anything he says -- exceptin' straight "yes" and "no" -- as being unambiguous...

Bush is good at one thing (Rebecca - 11/19/2006 1:07:09 PM)
Bush is good at one thing, playing chess with himself. When he invaded Iraq he checkmated himself. There is no winning, only losing because the policies of losers are losers. You might call Iraq a lose-lose situation as opposed to a win-win situation. We lose and so do the Iraqi people. That's what happens when you have a moron for president.