Take It Back in 2007
November 9, 2006Dear Friends:
The campaign is over. Next Wednesday, November 15th, a new campaign begins.
Our state is ready for a change in Richmond. In 2007, all 140 seats in the Virginia General Assembly will be up for election. We need a new Assembly that represents a vibrant and modernizing Virginia. An Assembly that protects our historic legacy while making Virginia a "first among equals" in economic growth and education.
The Blue Dominion Majority PAC was formed in 2004 to bring balanced representation back to Virginia. It is focused on raising money for legislative candidates that support our Democratic principles and can win contested seats. Our stated goal is to win back the Assembly in 2007.
Next Wednesday November 15th from 7-9 p.m., I am honored to join the PAC in hosting a "Take It Back" happy hour at the Firehouse Grill, 3988 University Drive in downtown Fairfax City. We are raising money and signing up volunteers for 2007. You are invited to attend and bring a friend. Sponsorships are $100-$2,500. All funds raised will be used for targeted "take it back" races in 2007. You can RSVP to bdmpac@cox.net.
Please join us next Wednesday night. Taking it back starts now.
Chap Petersen
Authorized by Chap Petersen and nobody else.
21-51 is the name of the game for 2007, and Chap is leading the charge. Show your support tonight!
teacherken signing off