Sen. Webb's First Step to Iraq Peace is getting Bush Cabinet out of Joint-Venture Oil Business

Published On: 11/10/2006 11:33:14 AM

My advice to Senator Jim Webb is write an Mideast Conference Bill with fellow Democrats putting All IRAQ OIL JOINT VENTURES Business under an United Nations "Legal Trust Territory" Umbrella of The Arab League at U.N.and Iran U.N. and Open a Legal U.N. Office for Kurdistan Representatives at the United Nations. The US Bush Cabinet have a conflict of Interest in Iraq Oil Contracts and the We need to get USA Military Folks out of Iraq Oil Politics. The Iraq Oil Politics Debate needs to be at an Professional United Nations Diplomat Level between Arab League Diplomats, Iranian Diplomats and Kurdistan Enclave Diplomats not secret phone calls between Chalabi and Cheney. Next restart Palestine Peace Efforts at United Nations with a Palestine Anti-Poverty Reconstruction Plan. We must clean up poverty in Palestine with American Made Products and Goods shipped to Palestine. Pumping Billions into USA Made Military Hardware to Israel should be balanced with Poverty Reconstruction in Palestine.
