It is important to vote today.

By: yankeefan
Published On: 11/7/2006 10:27:14 AM

I have taken today off so I could vote at my leisure and get ready for a election night event at our home.  I will vote a straight Democratic ticket (as I always do!)

Despite ones political party, all Americans should vote.  It is not just a privledge but a right that many brave Americans have given their lives for.  We have lost over 2,800 brave Americans in the diaster that is the Iraq war and the best way to salute their sacrifice to the Greatest Nation Ever is to vote.

My Father (who died just over three years ago) told me a story about my Grandfather and his bellief every one should vote.  On an election day, my Grandfather yelled at my Father to get out of bed and go vote (my Father had just recently been let out of the U.S. Army -- he fought in WWII).  My Father said why should he get up and vote.  My Grandfather told him that America is one of only a few countries in the World where the people decide who will represent them (at that time this statement was very true) and reminded my Father that he had just fought in a great war to protect that right.

My Father realized my Grandfather was right and he got up and voted and never missed the opportunity to vote for the rest of his life.

Voting is the most important civic responsiblity in a Democracy such as the United States of America.

