This is great! In particular, go to to minute five for one of the greatest political riffs I've ever heard. Bill Clinton is a genius, that's all I have to say.
The campaign that has been run against Jim Webb is just the sort of most grotesque example of this formula they're running all around the country. It goes something like this. This is their message, pretend I'm their guy: 'OK, we really messed up. I mean, this Iraq deal didn't work out too good and now we put Afghanistan at risk. And we probably shouldn't have put that horse show association guy in charge of FEMA... And you know, it was embarrassing when our senior White House aide that dealt with Mr. Abramoff had to go to prison. But Karl Rove didn't know him very well, he only had 485 contacts with the White House. And he's shy, Karl Rove, you've got to know him 486 times before he knows you. Yeah, we've got a lot of problems but you've still got to vote for us. 'Cuz my opponent is a slug. And they're going to tax you into the poorhouse. On the way to the poorhouse you'll meet a terrorist on every street corner. And when you try to run away from that terrorist you're going to trip over an illegal immigrant. You can't vote for 'em. I mean, is that it?'
Anyway, on your way to the polls this morning to vote these clowns - George "Macaca" Allen, Rick "Man on Dog" Santorum, Conrad "hasn't done a God-damned thing" Burns, etc. out of office, be careful not to trip over an illegal immigrant while running from those terrorists! :)
Lowell Feld is Netroots Coordinator for the Jim Webb for US Senate Campaign. The ideas expressed here belong to Lowell Feld alone, and do not represent those of Jim Webb, his advisors, staff, or supporters.
And he secretly really likes Nancy Pelosi -- he had dinner with her once.
(So why is he working for the GOP? Well, that's how he earns his livelihood.)