A Few Notes from Tonight's Rally in Alexandria

By: Lowell
Published On: 11/6/2006 10:44:41 PM

I don't have much time right now, so here are just a few notes from tonight's Webb for Senate rally in Alexandria.

*Alexandria Mayor Bill Euille talked about the "light at the end of the tunnel," and how "this country is going to rock tomorrow night."
*Congressman Jim Moran said we are at the "edge of a dramatic democratic transformation" in this country's government.  Unlike Republicans, we believe that government has a role to play in bettering peoples' lives. We reject the role of fear as a political tactic, and as not worthy of this great nation.  We stand for equal opportunity for all, human rights, and putting people first.  The Bush Administration has worked hard the past 6 years to undo all the gains of the previous 8 years, under the Clinton Administration.  We need to take back the Congress, the White House, and our country.  "Tomorrow, we are going to put America back on track."

*Mark Warner said that Jim Webb is the "real deal."  Warner added that Webb will be the only member of the U.S. Senate with a son or daughter fighting on the front lines.

*Tim Kaine said he could "feel the momentum" everywhere he's been the past few days.  People are optimistic about changing the direction of this nation.  Kaine urged people to vote NO on Amendment #1, the so-called "marriage amendment."  Kaine said that Democrats know how to run things, the clear implication being that Republicans don't.  Finally, Kaine talked about the importance of having leadership worthy of our soldiers' sacrifices.

*Jim Webb talked about the amazing people standing behind him, all of whom shared an affirmative vision for giving our country a better future.  Webb credited the volunteers for making his candidacy what it is.  He quoted the Shirley Chisolm line about being "unbought and unbossed."  He criticized the ugly, "Karl Rove campaign" waged against him by George Allen and his advisors.  Despite that, Webb had stuck to his promise to run a positive campaign.  Webb said, "As you sow, so shall you reap...as you campaign, so shall you govern."  Webb declared that we will succeed without having gone down the Karl Rove road.  He talked about his three main themes (reorienting our foreign policy/getting out of Iraq, economic fairnes, reining in the power of the out-of-control President).  He concluded that on November 8, the White House will have the kind of problems we want them to have - a Congress controlled by the Democats.

*Bob Kerrey said he worried about Jim's son in Ramadi.  He pointed out that for Jim Webb, Iraq is personal, and said that we should ALL take it personally.  Kerrey said that Jim Webb's behavior as a U.S. Senator will be governed by Jim's sense of duty, honor and country.  In addition, Jim will stand up for the middle class.  Jim will fight to undo the damage done the past 6 years by this Administration and its rubberstamp Congress.  Don't even THINK about not voting (for Jim Webb) tomorrow!

*Bill Clinton gave a great speech - funny, witty, wise, forceful, brilliant as always.  There were some great lines in there, and instead of summarizing them (also, because it's getting late), I'll let you watch the video when it's available.
