How to report voter suppression in Virginia
By: Rob
Published On: 11/6/2006 8:21:41 PM
Please recommend this diary so that it's up all of election day!
Voter suppression efforts are alive and well in Virginia. Check out this recorded example sent to a voter registered in Arlington (audio or transcript):
This message is for Timothy Daly. This is the Virginia Elections Commission. We've determined you are registered in New York to vote. Therefore, you will not be allowed to cast your vote on Tuesday. If you do show up, you will be charged criminally.
Other examples can be found documented here and here.
What to do if you are a victim or a witness to such an incident? First, make a note of it in the comments to this blog. Second, contact your state and local Democratic party organizations. Third, email Josh Marshall at TPM - he's collecting this data to make sure the media notices.
(UPDATE: Virginia's Voter Grievance Program: "If you feel your voting rights have been violated or that you may have witnessed an election law being broken, contact the State Board of Elections at 1-800-552-9745, or via email at")
(UPDATE: Another great resource is our Stop Dirty Tricks diary)
RE: Class 5 Felony (JPTERP - 11/6/2006 8:46:03 PM)
Whoever is sending out this recording could face anywhere from 10 to 12 years in the big pen. These type of tactics aren't even in a grey area--they are blatantly illegal. Hopefully the person(s) who produced this are are caught.
Olbermann is going to report these incidents (lwumom - 11/6/2006 9:17:50 PM)
I am ashamed (Dan - 11/6/2006 9:49:15 PM)
I am ashamed to be an American at a time like this. WTF is wrong with these people who do this? What did their parents do to them?
To make you feel better (PM - 11/6/2006 9:55:21 PM)
This is not something that has to do with America per se. All across the world, and all through history, there have been people driven by fear and hatred, people who want to control others, people who do not act with love. You'll see it in the best of societies. One can only hope that somehow evolution will weed out this characteristic.
So don't be down on the U.S. tonight. All we can do is stand up to it, like Dr. Shelton did. And like Jim Webb has, and will.
From the Virginia State Board of Elections site (R Brown - 11/6/2006 9:57:27 PM)
"If you feel your voting rights have been violated or that you may have witnessed an election law being broken, contact the State Board of Elections at 1-800-552-9745, or via email at"
Firm LaCivita Worked for Also Tied to Harassing Robo Calls (PM - 11/6/2006 10:37:57 PM)
Another firm allegedly making harassing robo-calls: Feather, Larson & Syndhorst DCI.
This time around, they have made harrassing phone calls to defeat Democrats Harry Mitchell (in AZ-05), Eric Massa (in NY-29) and Francine Busby (in CA-50).
"They start out sounding like they're from Francine Busby -- most people get so annoyed they don't listen to the end. . . some people have been called 6, 7, 8 or 9 times," said a staffer at Busby's campaign.
Sourcewatch has this old connection -- I don't know whether LaCivita is still involved:
In 2001, Feather founded Progress for America, a GOP soft-money conduit. In the fall of 2003, he put DCI colleague Chris LaCivita in charge of PFA because of concerns that he couldn't legally run the 501(c)(4) while working on the Bush/Cheney 2004 campaign.
Too late to do any real research on this. We'll see if we have a real DOJ after tomorrow.
some of this is going to be too late (libra - 11/6/2006 11:34:15 PM)
for tomorrow but worth keeping for '08:
Stealing Minority Votes (dricks - 11/7/2006 4:17:35 PM)
I wonder. What sort of tactics the Allen Campaign will use to steal votes? Remember in the National 2000 Elections, 1 million African American Votes were stolen. In the National 2004 Elections 1 million African American Votes were stolen, and 2 million Latino votes were stolen. So, we should expect our enemies to use their tried and trusted strategies of INVALIDATING VOTES. Do we have attorneys ready for that? Also, we know that they will continue with other tactics? This is a rhetorical question. BUT THIS TIME, I WILL DEMONSTRATE IF THEY TRY TO SUPPRESS (OR INVALIDATE) MINORITY VOTES.
I thought that I lived in a democracy? No more corrupt Kingdoms;
Lets get rid of King George.