Womens Rally for Webb

By: seamusotoole
Published On: 11/5/2006 10:43:44 AM

What a fantastic event last night.  It was amazing to have women of all ages in Falls Church to support Jim Webb.  The speakers were terrific.  Each had something relevant to say.  I love Lynda Robb.  She must have been a cheerleader in her past life.  She exudes enthusiasm.  Toddy Puller typifies the strength of women in the US.  Having had my husband serve in Vietnam during the Tet offensive, her story brought tears to my eyes.  No one can possibly know what it's like to have a loved one serve in a war.  I will never forget how frightened Andy and I both were when we said goodbye to each other in San Francisco in January 1968.  The following day my father refused to let me see the paper, as everywhere Andy was supposed to have been had been bombed. 

Madeleine Albright you are amazing.  You've proved that a female can do just about anything.  You always believed in diplomacy and were so gracious.  Thank you so much for your service to our country.  You will be proven right.  This war in Iraq will go down in history as the largest blunder our country has ever made.  Hong Le you are beautiful inside and out!

Let's take the energy that we all built up last night and take the last two days to get on the phone with our friends.  You know girlfriends....you know what to do....to cop a quote!!  Let's show the state of Virginia that we women are a force to contend with and we know what's the best for the female citizens and families in this state.  Anyone who votes against the Family Medical Leave Act is NO FRIEND to women!!!!!! We are the caretakers in the United States.  It should never come down to a choice of a job OR taking care of a parent in another state dying of cancer.  When we have a baby, I don't think it's asking too much to be home with that child...isn't that the REAL family values.

LET'S DO IT!!!! I sure wish I had a pair of red sneakers like Lynda Robb.  They look MAGICAL.

Mary Lee 


Truly inspiring (TurnVirginiaBlue - 11/5/2006 2:08:42 PM)
I agree, Madeleine Albright embodies what a strong woman is all about to me. 

She has credibility, she is speaking the truth not "focus group talking points" such as the current administration.

And she's right, when Clinton left office that was a lot of positive juju in the world towards the United States.

What has Bush done?  Captured Bin Laden?  no,
got us into a ridiculous mess?  yes
secured our borders and ports?  no
stopped N. Korea?  doesn't look like it

Women for Webb (Silver Fox - 11/5/2006 2:13:44 PM)
I was there too and the energy was wonderful.  George Allen is NOT respectful of women and he DOES NOT support the issues that impact us so directly.  Jim Webb will speak for women and for all who work to make a better life for their families.  HE wouldn't vote 3 times against legislation that made taking care of our families, children and aging parents alike, easier.  HE will SPONSOR legislation that is truly family friendly.  HE understands the REAL family values:  affordable health care and insurance, a living wage, not seeing our children and grandchildren's futures mortgaged by a crushing burden of national debt.  HE will work for a rational foreign policy that will  bring our brave men and women of the military home sooner, with honor,  to their families and bring an end to their being killed and maimed in a misbegotten war. Women of Virginia, we know what we have to do.  LET'S DO IT!!!!