Final Webb "Lit Drop" Rally

By: Lowell
Published On: 11/4/2006 5:34:22 PM

This morning at Webb for Senate HQ in Arlington, I attended the final big "lit drop"/phone bank rally of the campaign.  The crowd was large (100+), and despite the chilly fall morning, everyone was in great spirits (maybe it was the coffee and donuts? or was it the speakers, Jim Moran and Carl Pope of the Sierra Club?).  I have notes from the rally, but for now I'll just give you the photos since I have another event to attend.  Enjoy...and feel the enthusiasm with just 3 days to go! :)

Just a few notes on the speech by Carl Pope, Executive Director of the Sierra Club.  I liked his description of the Bush Administration as "stay the course" not just on its failed Iraq strategy, but also on its failures with regard to health insurance, the budget deficit, energy security, global warming, pension security, and much more.  According to Pope, "it would not be difficult to do better" than the Republican Party.

Pope added that the Republicans were almost the opposite of reality, where "clear skies" means more pollution and "healthy forests" means clear cutting.  With regard to voting, Republicans attempt to keep people home by scaring them, lying to them, telling them their vote doesn't matter, etc.  We all need to counter this cynicism by responding, "It matters to ME!"
