Frank Lopez has created new animated video highlighting George Allen's racism called "George Allen Don't Like Black People," set to the tune of "Gold-digger" by Kanye West.
It's hard-hitting, very well done, and pretty funny. Please help us spread it.
More info on the video is below the fold.
George Allen Don't Like Black People!
I work for, and we commissioned this video. Frank also made the music video for the post-Katrina "George Bush Don't Like Black People" Kanye West remix.
There's a simple website set up at which points to articles on Allen's racism, and other relevant youtube videos. A quicktime version is also available there.
Let's all do our best to spread this in the next few days. It's started to pick up some steam on youtube, and could use your help. Please rate it up on youtube -- it's at #10 top rated in news and blogs currently, and #52 top rated overall. The higher it moves up that list, the more people will see it.