Allen = Bush

By: Rob
Published On: 11/3/2006 11:00:00 AM


Good Points (Teddy - 11/3/2006 11:19:21 AM)
Nothing negative about this unless you're a republican staffer trying to slip Allen by the comatose voters again. Doesn't even mention Jim Webb, who can continue to take the high road, talking about HIS issues.  I'm very glad macaca is not even hinted at, just matters of importance to Virginia voters this year, and that is what Webb supporters should keep reiterating whenever possible.

I recently heard the radio ad on 96 percent on WTOP, with a child repeating 96 over and over. At last Demorats fight back.

An Open Letter to Independent Swingvoters (norman swingvoter - 11/3/2006 2:02:25 PM)

*** 25000 US Troops Killed and Wounded, $400,000,000,000 Spent - NO END ***

There is ONLY ONE ISSUE in this election to me -- Who can come up with the best plans for Afghanistan and Iraq.  George Allen has NO military experience and has NO plan except to blindly follow the failed plans of the Bush Administration. George Bush invaded Afghanistan, George Allen blindly followed asking NO questions, George Bush invaded Iraq, George Allen blindly followed asking NO questions.  George Bush says "Stay The Course"; George Allen says "Stay The Course".  George Bush denies "Stay The Course"; George Allen denies "Stay The Course".  Voting for George Allen is voting for the failures of George Bush.

Jim Webb is a decorated war hero who served in Vietnam and was first in his class at the Marine Corps Officer's Basic School.  Jim Webb has worked with our NATO allies as well as being Secretary of the Navy. Jim correctly warned against the Iraq war before it began. Jim Webb and John Warner will make a winning team to help to clean up this mess.

*** Join Me In Supporting Our Troops - Vote For Jim Webb. ***

The Wars:

1) The Afghan War: According to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, the Taliban, once nearly destroyed, now has too much popular support and is too strong to be defeated militarily and needs to be brought back into the government. NATO's Afghanistan commander, Gen. Richards estimates that 70% of Afghans will switch their allegiance to the Taliban if we don't change course within 6 months.

2) The Iraq War:  The US Central Command portrays Iraq as moving towards chaos. Marine Major Gen. Richard Zilmer, has advised that, in western Anbar province, the insurgency has reached the point where our current troops there are not strong enough to defeat it.