Obama and Webb in Richmond! Over 2,500 attend!

By: Nichole
Published On: 11/2/2006 8:53:04 PM

Today was an outstanding day to be a Virginian, an American and a Webb supporter. The weather was warm and smiling faces were abundant.

Over 2,000 people attended the rally at Virginia Union University in Richmond from all over the state. The media was out in full force!

Guests included, Mayor Wilder, Governor Warner, Rep. Bobby Scott, Governor Kaine, Obama and of course, my inspiration, Jim Webb!

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More wonderful pictures are after the jump.
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And more pictures!

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A Tidal Wave (TurnVirginiaBlue - 11/2/2006 9:24:30 PM)
Finally, looks like a tsunami of sanity is finally flowing over the nation.

One of the things I like about Webb so much is he's made it for people, who used to culturally identify themselves as Republicans, he's made it ok for them to vote for a Democrat.

This is awesome! 

Noticing something (TurnVirginiaBlue - 11/2/2006 9:28:35 PM)
In all of these pictures, stills, video, Jim Webb looks exceedingly up, I mean happy, smiling, confident, strong...

it's really a physical transformation from earlier photographs...before he looked more tough and frustrated to me...now he looks like he's flying emotionally!

it's like the crowds and the feedback are strengthening him.

Anybody else notice this?

I have too! (Jen Little - 11/2/2006 9:36:51 PM)
Jim is so full of energy, and it is contagious! 

Yes, I noticed (vadem - 11/2/2006 10:45:32 PM)
Yesterday, in Midlothian (Chesterfield County, suburb of Richmond) Jim and Mayor/Governor Wilder joined a restaurant full of supporters.  He seemed very relaxed, almost happy to be there with us.  I think the transformation in the crowds (they've grown and their enthusiasm is palpable) have had a great effect on him.  I hope so--I hope he feels our support and our pride in having him as our candidate.  He's a winner.

WOW! (Jen Little - 11/2/2006 9:33:32 PM)
1,000 people! 

GREAT Pictures!!!

Wow! What a great rally that was! (Kathy Gerber - 11/2/2006 9:40:20 PM)
Thanks for sharing these photos Nichole.  They are inspiring.

I would have put the crowd at about 2000 (wagonball - 11/2/2006 9:47:49 PM)
But who is wants to quibble!


Hit those phone banks.  Get our supporters out!

2,500 (mr science - 11/2/2006 9:52:33 PM)
The Richmond Times Dispatch has attendance at 2,500!

We should edit the title then! (DanG - 11/2/2006 9:56:48 PM)
2,5000 is even better than 1,000!  Go Jim, Go!

Done! (Nichole - 11/2/2006 10:01:42 PM)
It was hard to tell how many people were there!!

Awesome (DanG - 11/2/2006 10:39:05 PM)
Can you say momentum, George?  Hell, can you even SPELL momentum?

These could be on campaign brochures+newDSCC ad (PM - 11/2/2006 10:08:23 PM)
Did you take them yourself?  Really good.  Lots of excitement in them.

Hey -- someone with technical expertise -- there's a new Webb ad out from the DSCC to put up --  http://electioncentr...

They are great! (Nichole - 11/2/2006 10:29:35 PM)
I didn't , some of the volunteers down here in Richmond did and emailed them to me.

Aren't they great?

And where was Allen today? (mkfox - 11/2/2006 10:14:29 PM)
According to AP, Allen was in Roanoke addressing a small gathering and shaking hands with day-shift workers leaving a Phillip Morris plant. When asked why is campaign is in trouble, Allen "looked taken aback by the inquiry and answered with a football metaphor: 'It’s a tough race and it’s come down to the two-minute warning,' Allen said nervously." He also won the endorsement of the Minutemen today.

really? (TurnVirginiaBlue - 11/2/2006 11:09:37 PM)
That's bs they should be staying neutral.  Allen is about border security as a Corporate cheap labor lobbyist is about worker's rights.

Gez, some of these "issue" groups are not following their "issue" I think.

I was hesitant (mkfox - 11/2/2006 11:12:36 PM)
to say "won" the endorsement because is it really a good thing to be endorsed by a group of vigilante maniacs.

hmmmm (TurnVirginiaBlue - 11/2/2006 11:27:15 PM)
I hate to tell you this but while some in liberal land think that, conservative land doesn't and Webb is getting cross overs.

why I said what I said, they have no business, assuming they really are about securing the borders, national security...to take a side..like the NRA for Allen, when Webb is tough on national security...he's not going to be for an open border from his many position statements.

Anyway, securing the borders polls ~85% for and want it done yesterday, it ranks 4th or so in terms of #1 voter issues.

Allen on the other hand, could care less...he simply did some focus group polling in VA and voted accordingly.  All of his other votes are D-/C- from other groups.  Poser, could care less.

RE: The Minutemen (JPTERP - 11/3/2006 12:52:42 AM)
are tied at the hip with guys like Tom Tancredo and the Council of Conservative Citizens.  The sense that I get is that their main beef is over cultural issues and to a lesser degree economic ones. 

We actually have a fairly active Minutemen group in areas of Fairfax, VA.  For better or worse, I suspect most of their vote is already going to George Allen.

I agree on national security issues there's no question who the better candidate is going to be (Jim Webb).  On economic issues to there's no question who the better candidate is going to be (Jim Webb).

Webb seems to be open to the idea of increased border security, but I don't get the sense that he favors forced deportations.  Allen's position has been unclear.  He's talked about a visa program, but I'm sure he'll do whatever is most politically expedient.

Btw, as far as a fence is concerned, my attitude towards it personally is a lot like a "missile defense" program.  People forget about the multi-million dollar defense system that the French had before WWII (the Maginot Line).  They spent an awful lot of money on a security system after WWI that proved to be absolutely useless.  The Germans simply drove their tanks through Belgium.  If security is the primary concern there are a lot more effective and intelligent uses of money than erecting physical barriers.  People keep forgetting that the 9-11 terrorists didn't enter the country through the Mexican border.

asdf (TurnVirginiaBlue - 11/3/2006 1:21:29 AM)
It's not.  I can tell you for certain there are many immigration activists who are going to vote Webb.

Look, this issue is incredibly complex, involves labor economics and one point is Webb is absolutely not for forced deportations and has amnesty as part of his position statements, but it's conditional...

but implying that Webb has a position he doesn't really can alienate people fast late in the game.

Tied also to the Swift Boaters (Kathy Gerber - 11/3/2006 3:33:15 AM)
Minutemen founder, Jim Gilchrist, co-authored a book with Jerry Corsi.


Just one more George Allen - Swift Boat link.

Thanks for the pics.. (Barbara - 11/2/2006 10:15:58 PM)
Momentum is really building.  I love the last picture.  Yes, the smile is contagious.  Can't wait for Tuesday.

Gorgeous Photos! (LAS - 11/2/2006 11:04:57 PM)

Great event (DukieDem - 11/3/2006 12:58:31 AM)
I think I speak for everyone there when I say that no one left that event with a doubt in their mind as to who will win on Tuesday!

Yep! (Nichole - 11/3/2006 7:48:47 AM)
I agree!!! It was so thrilling.

Another good photo (Lowell - 11/3/2006 6:38:03 AM)

For additional images from the rally ... (gdrouse - 11/5/2006 3:04:09 PM)
... follow the link below.


