Fox News, Joseph Goebbels Central for Republican Party

Published On: 11/2/2006 2:38:38 PM

Fox News today have worked the republican party prostitutes harder than normal.The Republican Wives have worked the Fox propaganda circuit today plus the same old usual rag-tag box of party line guests and they are on a pathetic desperate roll to salvage what's left of the  crumbling corporate party. They said every American who votes Democrat is voting themselves a $2000 Tax Federal Increase. Go to to Google and search ($92 Million in Taxes + Virginia) and you will see how coporate tax loopholes cost the Virginia Government $92 Million in Taxes. Folks they are the very same propagandist who would not let the democrats exempt the 18% federal tax on a gallon of gas during the almost $4 a gallon of gas energy scam. Yes folk 18 cents a gallon tax cut. You can't make this stuff up folks, you would have to be a C-Span Junkie like myself to understand their hypocrisy. You would not believe the things that come out of their republican corporate pie-holes. Search George Allen senate bill record at "Thomas Library of Congress" Search some of the other democrats bills like Sen. Kennedy or Sen. Durbin or others like Sen. Dorgan" and you see their bills never had a chance with a Corporate Republican Party. Folks they phased-out medical lawsuits to protect class action lawsuits against corporations. I've known no person in my life to ever file a lawsuit against a doctor or hospital or Corporation but they want ZERO LAWSUITS. Speaking of Hypocrisy read an article wrote by John Nichols called " Dick's Vietnam Hypocrisy" on the web. Lynne Cheney said she was shocked and disgusted by Jim Webb's Novels,she should ask her husband Tricky Dick about the "Trail of Tears in Burma" building a natural gas pipeline through Burma Villages. Talk about shock and disgust! Another Texas propagandist got on the Fox Propaganda and said Democrats will raise Social Security Taxes if elected, even though outside economists say social security is in good shape for the next 20 years. WE need some honesty in Government, Some Truth be it good or bad news. They said they could not release the number of injured soldiers a while back to the press because they did not want the enemy (we are the enemy) to know the numbers, DUH, Where were they going to hide these injured soldiers from us. JUst give us some truth. Remember the Fake Reporter Rove had planted at the Whitehouse Press Briefings before the old press hounds caught wind that he was a "propaganda plant" by Rove, I believe his fake name was "Jeff Gannon" they traced him back to Rove's office through Whitehouse Security Log Book. Just give us some TRUTH. The Secret Energy meetings with Dick Cheney at a Democrat Hearing and the Energy CEO's can't remember if they had a meeting with THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE USA on advice from their Lawyers. JUST GIVE US SOME TRUTH.
