http://sfgate. com/cgi-bin/ article.cgi?
file=/c/a/2006/ 11/01/MNGMIM3RAG 1.DTL
Mark Foley has done his time in rehab, but maybe he hasn't recovered
yet. I predict he'll be all better on November 8th.
http://www.tpmmuckr archives/ 001916.php
BBC News reports UK and US forces have continued to use depleted
uranium weapons despite warnings they pose a cancer risk TO OUR
TROOPS and to us!!:
http://news. 2/hi/middle_ east/6105726. stm
NY Times reports that "A classified briefing prepared two weeks ago
by the United States Central Command portrays Iraq as edging toward
chaos, in a chart that the military is using as a barometer of civil
conflict." Note that the graphic says "Urban Areas
experiencing "ethnic cleansing" campaigns to consolidate
control....violence at all time highs, spreading geographically. "
http://www.nytimes. com/2006/ 11/01/world/ middleeast/ 01military. html?
hp&ex=1162443600& en=ae294d1d13aed 188&ei=5094& partner=homepage
And what do we hear....exclusively ....ALL DAY? John Kerry
insulted "the troops". Wake up George! He didn't insult the
troops....he insulted he should have.
Don't vote in the dark.
Anyone who has lived through times of great national stress must have felt the same way, (their own nightmare phase), but what makes our period in time feel especially bleak is the manipulation of information, the destruction of debate and the success of distraction.
I don't feel optimistic. We are on the Titanic. Many of us know the iceberg is ahead but the people with the megaphones keep announcing the dinner schedule. Those with plans for handing out life jackets, organizing life boats or getting the captain to change course are thrown overboard and ridiculed for ruining everyone's cruise.
The day Rush Limbaugh became the go to guy for the President and Vice President of the United States of America, is the day we should have all realized that we'd reached the tipping (over the edge) point.