John Kerry is an idiot.
All I hear is explanation, after explanation, after explanation.
We are not stupid Senator, you are an elittis.
"Of course I am sorry about a botched joke, it was pretty stupid" --John Kerry 11.1.06
I didn't support him in 2004 (Clarkie/Deaniac) even though I voted for him, I don't support him in 2008.
He's done though. He should have never been the democratic nominee in 2004. If we had someone else we wouldn't have lost the election.
John Kerry doesn't understand heartland America, and people who want Democrats to win have to respect those in the heartland of this country.
We may not all agree on the issues, but we must respect on another. We will get nothing accomplished if we continue down this path of division.
John Kerry just gave the GOP something to run with until Election day, and maybe even beyond.
Kerry is a War hero yes, but he's turned his back on the troops time and time again.
He got some of those troops to forgive him for his Vietnam protesting, but this?
John Kerry is an idiot, at the very least he should have stood his ground and not given in. Now he's apoligizing, and he looks like that same flip-flop, cut and run, elitist that the GOP has labeled him.
John Kerry put his own foot in his mouth, and because of it he again has failed our party.
We need new faces in our party leadership, ones that not only understand the liberal values of this country but those that understand and respect those values of conservatives.
We are all one country.
We deserve better. Our troops deserve better.
How does adding "US" make sense of the phrase, "If you don't do well in school, you won't be able to keep US out of Iraq"?
Too bad Kerry blew the line.