Al Weed Asks Virgil Goode to Pull Ads

By: Mark
Published On: 10/31/2006 1:34:43 AM

Virgil Goode has ducked debates, run false and misleading ads, and still insists that the money he took from MZM was contributions he did not know were illegal.

Al Weed has sent a letter to Virgil Goode asking him to pull his ad that tries to say that accusations against him (Virgil) about the tainted money and what he did for it are false. This in effect calls Al and all of us who supporft him liars.

Al's letter is on the flip side.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Mister Virgil H. Goode, Junior
70 East Court Street, Suite 215
Rocky Mount, Virginia 24151

Dear Mr. Goode,

You and I have been campaigning against each other for nearly four years now. We, of course, do not agree on much, and often point out the stark differences in our records, our visions, and our beliefs. Despite these differences, I have complete respect for you and your years of service.

This is why I am truly disturbed by your latest campaign ad. I would expect an attack on my beliefs. You have done that before. I would expect an attack on my record. You have done that before. Both of these are unfounded, but unfortunately within the bounds of the political playing field.

In your latest ad you cross the line with two blatant lies. Mr. Goode, you did accept illegal contributions from a crook, and you did secure an earmark for him worth up to 15 million taxpayer dollars. If there is anything negative about these facts, you are to blame. We all know that the information about you in all of my ads is factual and accurate. Your implication that I have told untruths about you is a lie.

Your most recent attack goes even farther. All of my ads have been accepted and run by five television stations. None of these stations refused the content of my ads. To lie and say otherwise is an attack on the integrity of the unbiased media.

I am not sure what has driven you to make these errors. I can only guess that you have taken the bad advice of a Republican strategist. But you can make this situation right by pulling the inaccurate ad from the air and apologizing to the television stations and the voters of this district. I ask you to do this immediately. If you do not, then we can only assume that you continue to stand behind the lies.


Al Weed


He will just lie some more (Gordie - 10/31/2006 8:29:52 AM)
Goode will never pull that ad, since when has he become ethical. You don't mean that he voted for the Republican agenda 95% of the time and now he says he is an Independant candidate. Or that Virgil has campaigned against illegal immigration, yet takes contributions from employers who hire illegal immigrants. Or he will say things like "The southside had no illegal immigrants", yet he is on film saying in Charlottesville that the southside has illegal immigrants. Virgil never lies except when he opens his mouth they seem to come out without his knowledge.
Here is Virgil's biggest lie. He went from Democrat in '96 and as Republicans gained more seats he went Independant then finally Republican. Now that the Demcorats look to take over the house, Virgil is slowly becoming an Independent and if by some miracle he should retain his seat by 08 he will again be a Democrat, voting with the Democrats 95% of the time.
Virgil's biggest lie is he is not for the American people or Virginian interest, he is for and supports only Virgil Goode's best interest. The Citizens be dammed. 

UVA Yesterday (Kathy Gerber - 10/31/2006 12:42:48 PM)
Here are the light weight versions of cell phone photos from yesterday.  I just don't have time to crop or annotate.

Here you go Kathy (Mark - 10/31/2006 2:07:00 PM)
Feel free to use these in a diary from their locations at my hosting service. Right click, choose properties, and copy the addresses.

Below: Jim Webb speaks to the crowd as Sen. Creigh Deeds, Sen. Max Cleland and Al Weed look on.

Below: Al Weed addresses the crowd while standing with his brothers in arms, Max Cleland and Jim Webb.

BTW, Kathy, did you get a phone call from me this past weekend?

Thanks, Mark. (Kathy Gerber - 10/31/2006 8:10:48 PM)
Don has video of Max Cleland in a diary now.  It's excellent.  All of the speeches were just wonderful.

I didn't listen to the messages until last night, and I left you a message back.  We don't have any flashing lights or whatever so sometimes I forget to check.

Don't forget - party on Nov 11!