I think I have posted this before, but it seems to me that it is still important for voters to see this evidence (especially those swing voters) and make their own decision. Even if you've read it before, I think that those hold-outs, the yet-to-be-decideds, in Virginia should know this.
This is by no means a complete record of votes on bills, ammendments, and measures so far in 2006, but it IS accurate information. Everything listed here can be verified at www.senate.gov.
Vote #000042-3/14/06 Allen vote--NO
To make energy more affordable and sustainable, to increase our national security through foreign oil replacement with biofuels and
alternative fuels and advance hybrid vehicle use, to accelerate production and market penetration of clean and renewable energy
technologies and generation, and to more fully utilize energy efficiency and conservation technologies and practices. http://www.senate.go...
Vote #00006-2/2/06 Allen vote--NO
To establish a congressional commission to examine the Federal, State and Local response to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina in
the Gulf States, and other areas impacted in the aftermath, and make immediate corrective measures to improve such responses in the future.
Vote #00007-2/2/06 Allen vote--NO
To support the health needs of our veterans and military personnel and reduce the deficit by making taxes fairer for all Americans. http://www.senate.go...
Vote #00009-3/14/06 Allen vote--NO
TO support college access and job training by: 1)restoring program cuts slated for vocational education, TRIO, GEAR UP, Perkins loans,
and other student aid programs, 2)increasing investment in student aid programs, including increasing the maximum Pell grant to $4500, and 3) restoring cuts slated for job training programs, paid for by closing $6.3 BILLION in corporate tax loopholes. http://www.senate.go...
Vote #00041-3/14/06 Allen vote--NO
TO increase veteran's medical services funding by $1.5 billion in fiscal year 2007 to be paid for by closing corporate tax loopholes. http://www.senate.go...
Vote #00043-3/15/06 Allen vote--NO
To restore funding for the Community Development Block Grant Program to the fiscal 2004 level by closing tax loopholes previously slated
for elimination in the Senate-passed legislation. http://www.senate.go...
Vote #000045-3/15/06 Allen vote--NO
To provide $5 billion for our emergency responders so that they can field effective and reliable interoperable communications equipment to respond to natural disasters, terrorist attacks and public safety needs of America's communities and fully offset this by closing
corporate tax loopholes and collecting more from the tax gap. http://www.senate.go...
Vote #00047-3/15/06 Allen vote--NO
To provide an additional $965 million to make our ports more secure by increasing port security grants, increasing inspections, improving existing programs and increasing research and develpoment and to fully offset this addditional funding by closing tax loopholes. http://www.senate.go...
Vote #00055-3/16/06 Allen vote--NO
To increase spending to combat Avian flu, increase local preparedness, and create a Manhattan Project-like effort to develop a vaccine to inoculate the U.S. population against a pandemic by $5 billion in
fiscal year 2007, paid for by requiring a tax withholding on government payments to contractors like Halliburton. http://www.senate.go...
Vote # 00057-3/16/06 Allen vote--NO
To increase funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program by $3.3 billion for fiscal year 2007, increasing the funds available
to carry out that program to the fully authorized level of $5.1 billion to be paid for by closing corporate tax loopholes. http://www.senate.go...
Vote #00060-3/16/06 Allen vote--NO
To restore funding for the civil works programs of the Corp of Engineers, the Federal Water Pollution Control State Revolving Fund,
the National Park Service, the Forest Service, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, federal conservation programs, and other natural resource needs, through an offset achieved by closing corporate tax loopholes. http://www.senate.go...
Vote #00063-3/16/06 Allen vote--NO
To provide an assured stream of funding for veteran's helath care that will take into account the annual changes in the veteran's population and inflation to be paid for by restoring the pre-2001 top rate for income over $1 million, closing corporate tax loopholes and delaying tax cuts for the wealthy. http://www.senate.go...
Vote #00064-3/16/06 Allen vote--NO
TO increase funding for Title I grants (educational program) and reduce the debt by closing corporate tax loopholes. http://www.senate.go...
After looking at this list, I think that George Allen's priority in the Senate is to protect a corporation's ability to dodge their fair share of tax payments. How can anyone (except corporations, of course) argue that this is the kind of representation we need?