Buy Fields of Fire - make it #1 to teach Allen's Idiots something about historical fiction

By: charcoal
Published On: 10/30/2006 5:46:24 PM

Like George Bush, I am sure that George Allen doesn't know how to read. Or, they have just have zero comprehension skills.

Allen and his campaign staff (-«Allen's Idiots) are making the Commonwealth of Virginia a laughing stock in the nation by criticizing a work of historical fiction. If Allen and his Idiots would bother to read Fields of Fire, they might actually learn something about the intensity, courage, and pain of serving in battle.

I recommend that everyone buy one or two copies of  Fields of Fire to read, to pass on to a friend, to send to a chickenhawk. Let's make the book #1 (again) and show the righties what a stupid argument they are attempting.

Fields of Fire is currently listed as #6 on the Marine Corps Professional Reading Program list.
Let's not forget that Dick Cheney's wife, Lynne Cheney, wrote two novels (Sisters and The Body Politic) that included explicit lesbian sex scenes and a vice president who dies while having sex with his mistress (can you believe it?). Excerpts found here:

Bill O'Reilly wrote a novel involving graphic sex and drug usage, Those Who Trespass

Let's not forget Scooter Libby's The Apprentice, which includes pedophilia and bestiality (quite in vogue with the current vintage of republicans).


Something To Die For (norman swingvoter - 10/30/2006 11:21:55 PM)
One thing that I would like for us to get out is that these are not porn books as some listening to allen seem to think.  I had a polite chat in the gym today.  I pointed out that these are historical novels often set in the darkness of the Vietnam war that are rated 4-5 stars on Amazon. I suggested that the person go read the customers reviews for herself, instead of listening to allen, who I saw admit that he has not read even one.

I decided to go myself and do more extensive reading of the reviews.  I stumbled across this in a review by The Critic:

In "Something To Die For" we meet a collection of old, white men constantly at odds with each other and through power plays, preventing the military from performing as it could and (arguably) should.

I started thinking of our current mess.  This is a great summation even though the book was written long before the Afghan and Iraq wars.