Who is Angry? I am!

By: TurnVirginiaBlue
Published On: 10/27/2006 10:59:20 PM

This latest blasting of Webb for writing exceptional war novels is just plain infuriating me.  Doesn't it piss you off?  Someone who has such talent as a writer, who describes the entire era with unflinching accuracy, is now getting some public relations psychopath pouring over his work to pull out a few phrases, a paragraph or two that simply is setting the scene, and trying to smear a good man with it????

Who thinks this is just so outrageous they just plain feel like walking up to Allen and bashing him over the head with a wooden chair?
I am, I'm mad, I'm damn mad.  Here we are, the nation is in terrible trouble.  We're stuck in a war where all of the options to me at least sound potentially disastrous and all I do know it has been sure incompetence from the get go and Allen was right there, being a Bush cheerleader...from the get go.

I want change.  I want competent military people to take over and craft strategy on that situation.  I want a sane trade policy!  I want the pork and corruption to stop!  I want the tax giveaways to corporations who offshore outsource the jobs, give themselves big fat salaries and incorporate in the Cayman Islands or Bermuda to stop! 

And what do I get?  Having to explain narrative pulled out of context in critically acclaimed war novels?????

America deserves better.  America needs Jim Webb in office!


I agree! (lwumom - 10/27/2006 11:01:39 PM)
But I'll have to say that from what I've seen from the news media, this is going to smack the Allen campaign in the face.  I hope it does....it's freaking ridiculous!

George Allen (JPTERP - 10/28/2006 1:05:19 AM)
Has nothing to run on.  When you stack up Jim Webb's record of service to Allen's, Allen loses.  When you stack up Allen's on the issues and his legislative record, he loses.

So what options are left to a man? 

There you go (Catzmaw - 10/28/2006 9:01:29 AM)
with your liberal interpretation of the word "man".  I would suggest a splendid borrow word from Yiddish:  "putz". 

Yes, I'm starting to get pissed off. (Kathy Gerber - 10/28/2006 2:46:13 AM)
Allen had the audacity to say this yesterday

"I know Virginia," Allen said. "That is what matters. To be an effective leader, you need to know the people and their communities and their challenges, their strengths, their assets. That’s something you can’t do quickly by listening to political consultants. It’s something I’ve grown up with as a public servant."

He spits on Virginia.

He makes a mockery of us.

Anybody who travels out of state will have to say they are from WEST Virginia just to have a little respect from now on.

He's done nothing but run a divisive campaign and buy pepole to prop him up in one way or another.  They're all a bunch of six dollar whores.