Clarendon Day 2006

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/21/2006 5:52:47 PM

Today was a beautiful day in Arlington, and the annual Clarendon Day festivities were as good or better than I ever remember them.  Lots of great food from the dozens of great restaurants in the Clarendon area, bands on several stages, vendors of all kinds, and of course...politics!  Anyway, here are a few photos from Clarendon Day 2006.

More photos on the "flip," including Arlington Commmissioner of Revenue Ingrid Morroy's excellent band ("The Constituents"), belly dancers, the Democratic booth, and a strategically placed Webb bumper stick by Rena of Raising Kaine. :)

P.S.  It almost goes without saying that the crowd today in Arlington was overwhelmingly pro-Webb. Other politicians I talked to included Sally Baird (Democratic nominee for Arlington School Board), Cecilia Espenoza (Independent candidate for Arlington School Board), Chris Zimmerman (running for re-election the Arlington County Board), Del. Al Eisenberg (up for re-election next year), and Tom O'Donoghue (Republican candidate for U.S. Congress  in the 8th District).  A very interesting day...


Hoo boy. (RenaRF - 10/21/2006 6:06:14 PM)
Can I steal these for the dKos post and credit you?

Yes, please do! (Lowell - 10/21/2006 6:06:47 PM), bumper sticker should be spread far and wide!! :)

I think Rena has just discovered a great new way to (PM - 10/21/2006 6:07:51 PM)
advertise a politician

Karl Rove, eat your heart out

The female volunteers (RenaRF - 10/21/2006 6:11:58 PM)
were discussing the imperative of ensuring that the LARGEST bumper sticker be affixed to one's behind in order to make the behind look smaller.  The male volunteers looked confused.  ;-)

I miss Arlington (demnan - 10/21/2006 6:20:15 PM)
I lived there in a rental for seven years before moving back to Woodbridge to help with my elderly mother.  I love Arlington!  Wish I could live there again, but I probably will never be able to afford to buy a condo there.

Ingrid's band (Dan - 10/21/2006 6:21:13 PM)
You know, Ingrid's band is pretty darn good, especially when she and her sister harmonize together!  Shoot, it's better than a lot of the crap on the radio!  They should come out with a CD called "Two for change" or something like that.  Allen supporters came out and help signs to show they didn't like really good music that says how good a candidate their opponent is.  One kid loved the music.  He was dancing like mad.

Thanks, Dan! (Ingrid - 10/21/2006 7:17:20 PM)
That's a nice commpliment.  The other side came out with the yard sign when we closed out the set with a Public Service Announcement in the form of the "Jim Webb" song...  In the meantime, I saw people taking Webb lapel stickers from volunteers as if to counter the lonely sign holder.  It worked.

The Economist: Allen seems "shop-worn" (PM - 10/21/2006 6:39:23 PM)
"All this has made Mr Allen, once an early favourite of conservative activists, seem shop-worn."

The British have a way with words.  http://www.economist...