9. While the economy has grown in the last five years, the wages of middle- and low-income Americans has stagnated. How would you address the income disparity between the very wealthy and the rest of the working America?The best policies to improve incomes are those that promote economic growth
Tom, the question states that economic growth has occured, but incomes have stagnated.
Then there is this little nugget
For the following questions, please respond with a yes or no answer.Tom, where is the yes or no?14. Do you believe that Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 decision that overturned state laws banning abortion, should be overturned?
This is a judicial decision, but I do not support amending the Constitution to overturn Roe; however, I do support a ban on partial birth abortions, late term abortions, and federal funding of abortions.
Does anyone else find this amusing?
If Tom Davis can't fill out a simple questionare, how can he be an effective congressman?
Nate de la Piedra is the Online Outreach Coordinator for the Andrew Hurst for Congress 2006 Campaign. The ideas expressed herein belong to Nate de la Piedra and do not necessarily represent those of Andrew Hurst, his advisors, staff, or "The Campaign".
1. Was the Iraq war a mistake? Why or why not?The pertinent question regarding Iraq is not whether the war was a mistake, but rather what we should do now. That said, we know mistakes were made....
Tom's response was to point out that Michael Schiavo had moved on and was "living with another woman".
Let's look at some numbers, just for fun, keeping in mind Davis divorced his first wife in 2003, so why is he sending all this money to his “non-mistress”?
From 1997-20002 Tom’s Virginia Pac gave $92,042 to Jean Marie.
NRCC gave $55,616 from 1997-2001, while Tom was Chair. Highest single donation to any candidate other then Gilmore for Gov. since 1997 (per VPAP)
It gets better...next time we hear from Tommy D. we get these Attack Ad fliers in the mail - they are full of fear mongering and tell me how dangerous his opponent is and how his opponent actually defends - I find it almost too horrible to think - criminals...you know like girls who rob multiple liquor stores...
I guess these attack ad fliers are supposed to take our minds off the fact that we haven't heard a word from him about his agenda for the Future... somebody fact check for me and see if we still have the right to representation if we are accused of a crime and get back to me, ok?
Where is Davis' vision for the 11th District??
Tom Davis'vision is one of his own personal power and financial gain crumbling when Andrew Hurst wins this election and takes back this congressional seat for the people of the 11th District.
Laugh all you want, but Andrew Hurst isn't full of recycled quotes...he will in both word and deed work to make a real difference in the lives of all people living in the 11th District. Andrew Hurst has a vision for the 11th District and for our Country! He has clearly articulated this vision and will restore the faith of people in elected officials.