Unsolicited Comment

By: buzzbolt
Published On: 10/19/2006 7:42:06 AM

All my friends know that I volunteer for the Webb for Senate Campaign.  Yesterday, I received the following unsolicited email message from a friend who is a conservative, a small business man, a Viet Nam veteran, an American of color, and a man of faith and principle.  He does not share very much or very often and certainly could have kept this to himself.
Between you and me, my friend, I have decided to cast my vote for Webb.

I have been with Allen for some time but watching and listening to him call that Virginia-born kid "Maccaca" and saying "Welcome to America" really bothers me.  He was playing for his Southern base and it cost him my vote.

Also, anyone that cannot stand up for their own ethnic Heritage (their Mom), sure as hell won't stand up for me.

If you want to share this with your Campaign friends you can, but please don't use my name/identity.

Best wishes,  Name deleted.


Whoa, that's very telling (Catzmaw - 10/19/2006 9:30:26 PM)
Thank your friend for using his brain and voting for the man rather than the party. If we make this campaign about who's got the better character we'll sweep this election.