The movie has to strike a bipartisan tone to it attacks "party politics" instead of the GOP, but the message of the movie is clear: we have a government run by people that do not work or care for us. At the close of the movie Dobbs has a line something like:
"You can't run for President unless you have 200 million dollars; and you can't get that much money and not owe somebody something at sometime. And so instead of government working for the people, it works for interest groups. It works for oil companies, drug companies, big industries, and it leaves everyday people's concerns in the dark"
Words that could have easily been spoken right out of Jim Webb's mouth.
Wadhams and company call Webb a Hollywood liberal because he was smart enough to write some novels and the GOP has a real creativity problem, which I suppose is a byproduct of forcing everyone to spout the same party lines or face the guillotine. But it there ever was a Hollywood story best represented in real life, it's this movie and Jim Webb.
If you're thinking about seeing the movie, don't. Wait to rent it and send that $20 you would have spent on tickets and popcorn on the REAL-LIFE Man of the Year, Jim Webb.