Former Defense Secretary William Perry Blasts Bush on N. Korea

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/11/2006 6:40:41 AM

Writing in today's Washington Post, former Defense Secretary William Perry, who helped stop North Korea's nuclear program back in the 1990s, blasts the Bush Administration's North Korea policy.  More accurately, Perry blasts the Administration not only for poor conceptualization and execution of its North Korea policy, but also for its total LACK of an effective, coherent strategy towards that dangerous country.  Referring to North Korea's nuclear test the other day, Perry writes:

While this test is the culmination of North Korea's long-held aspiration to become a nuclear power, it also demonstrates the total failure of the Bush administration's policy toward that country. For almost six years this policy has been a strange combination of harsh rhetoric and inaction.

At this point, Perry concludes, the Bush Administration - not to mention its rubberstamp Republican Congress, including lackeys like George Allen - has botched the situation so badly in East Asia, the only hope is damage control.  According to Perry:

Our government's inattention has allowed North Korea to establish a new and dangerous threat to the Asia-Pacific region. It is probably too late to reverse that damage, but serious attention to this problem can still limit the extent of the damage.

Not good.  Which is why we need to get some, here soon, before the Republican warmongers, neocons and chickenhawks start World War III.

Lowell Feld is Netroots Coordinator for the Jim Webb for US Senate Campaign.  The ideas expressed here belong to Lowell Feld alone, and do not represent those of Jim Webb, his advisors, staff, or supporters.


And don't forget (Newport News Dem - 10/11/2006 8:58:23 AM)
the republican's worship of making money, without conscience, again puts Rummy in the middle of this.

The famous handshake with Sadaam and now his involvement as a member of the Board of ABB who sold the North Koreans the reactors. Did he portest? Did he resign? Hell, did the check clear!


John McCain on N. Korea (Teddy - 10/11/2006 9:45:07 AM)
John McCain, according to a news report this morning, has made a statement on N. Korea. Guess who he blames for the present difficult situation? Why, Clinton, of course! Clinton's office responded by saying this was a typical Republican effort to make political points. This endless effort to blame republicans' own failings and mistakes on Clinton, after they have been in office themselves for over 6 years is beginning to be like those snake oil ads in the 19th century: all-purpose, does everything, covers everything. Why not just call these republican alibis what they are: snake oil?

George Allen sez: (Bubby - 10/11/2006 9:47:07 AM)
Virginians deserve another tax cut (put the bill for containment of NK on the credit card). 

Democrats will be cleaning up this mess, along with the Middle East, and the fiscal national debt shambles for the next 15 years. And I really will not want to hear any carping from the Conservatives - you guys and your "anti-government" nonsense had your chance.  How about a nice warm jail cell?

Different framing context (Newport News Dem - 10/11/2006 11:22:43 AM)
I like to tell my right wing friends that their thirst for tax cuts for themselves is actually a selfish and morally repugnant policy of "taxing their children and grandchildren" who will have to pay the bills when they come due. I ask if they would go on vacations and buy cars, jewelry and fancy clothes merely hand the bill to the kids.

It is a little bit of twisting the knife after insertion. It puts it in a simple context they can understand. And we all know when dealing with right wingers, you must keep it very very simple for them.

I used to tell my mom: (Bubby - 10/11/2006 11:33:33 AM)
"Mom, you have been getting hoodwinked by Republican blather since Nixon, don't you think it's time you start being more careful about what you believe?"

Bush Called off FBI-CIA on N. Korea (Teddy - 10/11/2006 12:54:55 PM)
According to Greg Palast and another investigative reporter, N. Korea got its nuclear bomb blueprint and hardware from physicist Khan in Pakistan, just as did Gaddafi in Lybia. How did Khan get paid? It was apparently subsidized by Saudi Arabian oil money. When the FBI and CIA were tracing the money and making the case, BUSH called them off, told them not to follow through--- apparently it harmed his big buddy relationship with the Saudis. So, far from being a result of Clinton's policies, the N. Korean bomb may well be due primarily to Bush: not only did he stop the investigation that might have brought it all into the open a few years ago, but he then proceeded to goad and bait N. Korean in his own innimitable style of schoolyard bully.