I Quit My Job to Volunteer Full Time for Jim Webb

By: tokatakiya
Published On: 10/10/2006 12:09:37 PM

[Cross posted at Tokatakiya]

Well, kind of.

You see, I am a freelance science writer/editor, so, I pretty much work for myself. I have completed all my current projects and will not be accepting any new ones for the next 4 weeks. (Lest you say I'm not really quitting, please remember: this will cost me money.)

I intend to devote my time between now and election day to getting Jim Webb's message out both here at Tokatakiya and around the blogosphere and spend as much time as possible phone banking. The Webb campaign goal is 500,000 calls before November 7th. I'm going to make as many as I can.
To keep track of my progress I will be having a "timpani roll" and a tote board (just like on the Jerry Lewis telethon). The tote board will keep track of how many calls I've made so far:

I expect that number to increase rapidly now. My goal is 2000 calls.

I hope that my total committment to volunteering for the Webb campaign will inspire some of you who want Jim Webb to win but don't think you have the time or money to help out.

You do.

Just take a couple hours a week to volunteer or donate $5 or $10. Remember, you can now phone bank from the comfort of your own home. Every little bit gets us closer to our goal: a Senator we can be proud of.


thank you! (TurnVirginiaBlue - 10/10/2006 1:38:57 PM)
With your background I'm sure you have great communication skills that can really help in spreading the truth on Webb.

Thank you!

Concerted Grassroots Effort (Teddy - 10/10/2006 1:53:24 PM)
I phone bank, too. We have satellite offices open for phone banking so call headquarters and see if there's one closer to you than the Wilson Blvd. office: 703-788-4080. And we need lots of LTEs and phone calls to radio and TV channels to keep them on their toes and offset the many lies and distortions of the neo-repubs. Lots! It's even better when the editors and reporters get many letters on the same topic from concerned citizens, angry voters, and pro-Webb folks. Then those guys know: 1) it's important and 2) they better get it right

Very inspiring! (Lowell - 10/10/2006 3:58:27 PM)
Phone banking is extremely valuable, as is person-to-person voter contact in general.  Want to elect Jim Webb in 28 days?  Follow tokatakiya's lead, quit your job and spend every minute  calling voters!  Ha.  Alright, can't do that?  Then how about volunteering 5 hours, 10 hours, whatever you can spare between now and November 7?  Join other Webb supporters in your area at farmer's markets, Metro stops, lit drops, etc.  Or, start up something on your own, like the famous "Webb wagons."


PS  I also quit my job to go work for Jim Webb.  I'm very glad that I did, despite the huge loss of income involved.  The country's future is far too important for me - or any of us - to sit on the sidelines.  This is OUR country and OUR Democracy.  It is NOT a spectator sport.  Thanks.