Team Allen loves to try painting Webb as a scary liberal because of the mere fact that he associates with other people in his party.
Well, let's turn this thing around. Allen suffers far greater from much more direct associations. So, the series continues:
The Real A-Team!
Every few days, we'll toss out someone that is near and dear to George Allen's heart. Feel free to nominate your next A-Teamer in the comments.
In our first installment, the unpopular Dick Cheney took the initial slot because of his fundraiser for Allen. From a nomination in the comments of our first installment, our second A-Teamer is a true blue George Allen friend. This guy, a master at shredding government documents to cover up crimes, was convicted by a jury of his peers for breaking various laws related to the Iran-Contra scandal while an NSA aide. He's so sketchy, that when he was running for Senate, fellow Republican John Warner refused to endorse him! But Allen? He endorsed North and praised him at North's nominating convention!
well worth watching
If he really helped 3 million virginians with lower taxes, he should get 3 million votes election day. somehow i doubt it.
If he shows up in alexandria I would go to the rally and ask him one question. The question would be, If macaca is ha ha, the ha ha is ma ma, and ma ma is ashamed of gerogie porgie.
Bring on Nov 7.
I need to take a vacation from the republicans.
They love talking to soldiers' families as long as the families are on the same page with them.
There will be a quiz in 15 minutes on this chart
ollie north aided the enemies.
As for the next nominee, how about this troll?