Foley Scandal About Power, not Sex

By: tokatakiya
Published On: 10/9/2006 10:34:36 AM

[Cross posted at TOKATAKIYA]

A friend of mine used to work with victims and perpetrators of sexual assault. He used to tell stories about the disgusting incidents he would hear about. The one thing he would always say about these assaults was that they were about power of the perpetrator over the victim, not about sex.

That is true of the Foley scandal as well.
This isn't about the salacious communications of a 54 year old with underage pages, this is about the House leadership that covered it up. And for what? To maintain their power.

The Republicans have been trying to equate the Foley scandal with Gerry Studds a Democratic Congressman who was involved in a page sex scandal in 1983. They consistently fail to mention that this scandal also involved a Republican Congressman Dan Crane. Both were censured by Congress, neither were forced out by their parties. Studds was re-elected and Crane was not. (Studds also received the much mis-attributed standing ovation from his constituents not Democratic members of Congress, as has been parroted by Republicans.) Republicans are decrying the Democrats because they didn't dump Studds when they themselves didn't dump Crane.

Should Studds have been forced out of Congress? Hell yes! His constituents for some reason seemed to have a high opinion of him, however.

Now, to my point. I'm an independent. Yes, I am working (and working hard) to elect Jim Webb to the Senate and I hope that the Democrats can take control of both houses of Congress. However, and this probably won't win me any friends on the Democratic side but, the Studds and Foley incidents are both examples of what the real problem in Washington is.

Power corrupts.

The Democrats were wildly corrupt by the time the Republicans took control in 1994. Several decades in power led them to think they were untouchable and could do as they pleased. The Republicans reached this point in a much shorter time period. But the point is this: If one party controls the levers of power for too long they will become corrupt and do what is necessary to cover up that corruption in the name of perpetuating their power.

So, in 1994, the Congress probably did need to be wrested from the Democrats. In 2006, Congress definitely must be wrested from the Republicans. In another 12, 10, or 4 years perhaps the Congress will need to be again overtaken by the Republicans.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson
In other words, extended entrenchment of the status quo is not good for our Democracy. Or, to put it another way, the tree of Congress must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of incumbents.

It is time for a change.


Please don't use that quote (Todd Smyth - 10/9/2006 12:35:41 PM)
I agree with you on everything but that quote was retracted by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Adams.  Jefferson issued the quote in support of the French Revolution but after 12 years of the guillotine he apologized for his support and for the quote, which has been used prominently in communist revolutions which have led to the mass murder of millions of people.

Communists are often highly intelligent, articulate and dangerously naïve and idealistic. John Adams, although conservative, fought for a peaceful solution in France but was rejected by Jefferson's misplaced idealism.

Republicans should be ousted because they are crooks.

Please don't use that quote? (David M - 10/9/2006 2:40:16 PM)
Are we serious about this?

That quote is one of the more famous of Jefferson's quotes about Democracy, the perils of tyranny and how it may someday have to be overthrown. And it still stands today just as it did at the time it was issued, whether or not the French abused their quest for freedom during the French Revolution.

Sorry Todd, but the quote has been used by more than just Communists (are they still hiding under your bed?) and is legitimate even if Jefferson "retracted" it in a private letter to Adams.

Jefferson was not responsible for the French leader's abuse of power, just as Goldwater, Reagan and Bush Senior are not responsible for Junior and his Crews abuse this time around. And Republicans should be thrown out of because of more than being "crooks;" in addition, their ideas and their arrogance are dangerous to democracy.

Something I'm all on RK can agree upon.

That reveals the other dirty secret (Teddy - 10/9/2006 2:30:26 PM)
of today's Republicans, or should I say neo-republicans: they have an indelible relationship to the tactics of Marxism-Leninism, and, in some ways, even to that philosophy--- even if they are corporatists and fawning "lackies," as the Commies used to say, of Wall Street. As a former Cold War warrior (even if a very minor one) I sometimes get an eerie feeling watching the Rovian political tactics, the grand strategy, such as it is, of the Republicans both domestically and abroad. It is altogether too reminiscient of watching the Communists at work back in the days of the Communist Revolution, Spanish Civil War, and then under Stalin. They even seem to believe in corporate socialism to help global corporations, but total Darwinian jungle life for everyone else.