George Allen: Taking Money from Publishers of Racist Tracts?

By: Peace
Published On: 10/7/2006 9:49:52 PM

Why is George Allen taking money from a publishing group that, as far as I can see, supports racist causes, racist writers, and racist viewpoints?  HasnGt he learned anything from all the macaca criticism?  The same publishing magnates in 1998 also published an anti-women-in-the-military book.

Is George talking out of both sides of his mouth while his right hand slips his wallet back into his rear pocket?

According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch of October 6, 2006, Vice President Dick Cheney made a quick trip into Northern Virginia to raise money for the campaign of U.S. Sen. George Allen.  The Allen campaign did not announce the visit.  The home was that of Thomas L. Phillips, founder and chairman of Eagle Publishing, which is also the parent of the problematic (from a discrimination point of view) Regnery Publishing Co.  HereGs the invitation.
Thomas Phillips is close to Alfred Regnery, who was formerly the president of Regnery Publishing.  Regnery is a trustee of Thomas PhilipsG Phillips Foundation,  Philips is Chairman of the National Conservative Campaign Fund, for which Regnery is a board member and a generous contributor (according to FEC records).  Alfred Regnery left his post as President of Regnery Publishing to become the publisher of the conservative American Spectator magazine but still sits on its Board of Directors.

IGll first discuss what is, in my opinion, RegneryGs racist GǣbusinessGǥ side, and then its political business side

RegneryGs Racist Side
We need go no further than the website of conservative fundraiser Bruce Eberle to find out about Alfred Regnery and Regnery PublishingGs support of Rodney KingGs assailant Stacey Koon.

An attorney, as well as President of Regnery Publishing at the time, Al Regnery decided to publish a book which told the whole story of the Rodney King arrest. The Stacy Koon Defense Fund was established by Al Regnery and a number of other leading Americans who felt that justice was being compromised by political pressure. The facts were clearly on Sergeant Koon's side, but it looked doubtful that he could get a fair trial. But putting on a solid defense for Mr. Koon was going to take hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars. The question was, where were the needed funds going to come from?

Enter Eberle Associates
In November of 1992 Al called Bruce Eberle and asked him if Eberle Associates would consider raising funds for the legal defense of Sergeant Koon. ***Thanks to the work of the Stacey Koon Defense Fund, Americans got to hear the other side of the story and when the case went to the U.S. Supreme Court, Stacey Koon was vindicated.

First, notice the lie in the last sentence.  Stacey KoonGs conviction was upheld in Koon v. United States.  As the decision begins:

GǥThe petitioners' guilt has been established, and we are concerned here only with the sentencing determinations made***
If you look at the chronology of events, the trial court sentenced Koon to 30 months in jail.  The government appealed that as too lenient, and the Court of Appeals agreed.  GǣThe U. S. Supreme Court agrees to hear Koon's and Powell's appeal of the Ninth Circuit decision sending their case back to Judge Davies for imposition of a harsher sentence.Gǥ  The Supreme Court disagreed with the Appeals Court.  When the case went back to the trial court, the judge reimposed the original sentence.

But the larger question for us is:  why would Regnery go out of its way to mount an appeal when there are so many other clearly worthy cases on dockets around the country?  Remember, this was a case that shocked the nation, and caused a riot that left many dead and injured.  (See the Human Rights Watch summary.) Regnery even went out of its way to publish  KoonGs book about the affair. LetGs see if we can detect any patterns here.

Regenery also published Michelle Malkin's GǣIn Defense of Internment: The Case for "Racial Profiling" in World War II and the War on Terror.Gǥ  The book says that many Japanese enjoyed the internment camps.  Malkin also argues that the 112,000 Japanese-Americans and Japanese (62% were citizens) were justifiably interned because there was some spying activity among Japanese Americans.  WikipediaGs comment:

Critics of the exclusion argue that the military justification was unfounded, citing the absence of any subsequent convictions of Japanese Americans for espionage***In response, pro-internment author Michelle Malkin has argued that the absence of any esponiage convictions is immaterial because the government may have possessed unspecified secret evidence of espionage that it was not able to introduce in court;[citation needed] however, her argument has not met with much success among professional historians.[23]

Lieutenant Commander Kenneth Ringle, a naval intelligence officer tasked with evaluating the loyalty of the Japanese American population, estimated in a 1941 report to his superiors that "more than 90% of the Nisei [second generation] and 75% of the original immigrants were completely loyal to the United States." A 1941 report prepared on President Roosevelt's orders by Curtis B. Munson, special representative of the State Department, concluded that most Japanese nationals and "90 to 98 percent" of Japanese American citizens were loyal. He wrote: "There is no Japanese 'problem' on the Coast ... There is far more danger from Communists and people of the Bridges type on the Coast than there is from Japanese."[citation needed]FBI director J. Edgar Hoover opposed the internment of Japanese Americans. Refuting General DeWitt's reports of disloyalty on the part of Japanese Americans, Hoover sent a memo to Attorney General Francis Biddle in which he wrote about Japanese-American disloyalty, "Every complaint in this regard has been investigated, but in no case has any information been obtained which would substantiate the allegation."

California Attorney General Earl Warren originally supported the internment, but later in life came to regret his support. He wrote in his autobiography:

I have since deeply regretted the removal order and my own testimony advocating it, because it was not in keeping with our American concept of freedom and the rights of citizens. Whenever I thought of the innocent little children who were torn from home, school friends and congenial surroundings, I was conscience-stricken.  Id.

Regnery also reportedly signed a book contract with notoriously racist baseball pitcher John Rocker. While under contract with Regnery, and while pitching in the minor leagues, Rocker published a blog, which stated:  GǣRegnery and Mr. Rocker have graciously agreed to post some of the pitcherGs entries here, as they happen.Gǥ (I assume that because Rocker quit his comeback attempt the book never was written.)  Some of Mr. RockerGs observations, allegedly writing under RegneryGs aegis, follow:

So, to get to the point, did any of yall happen to read about the Ducks game the other night in the Jew York Times? Did you see Sportscenter lead off with it? The hell you didnGt, because I kicked ass, and theyGre afraid to tell you about that. I pitched one inning against Atlantic City, and I struck out the whole stinkinG side. Oh, where are you now, liberal media? Too afraid to report the truth once in a while? Lookie there, Pedro Gomez, I think Barry Bonds ate another taco. Time for la specialo reporto!

YouGve probably heard that I quit the Long Island Ducks. Well, itGs true. If IGm to bring my race back to its rightful intergalactic prominence, I canGt be spending my time striking out wetbacks in Rhode Island.

Believe me, weGre not dummies, weGre concentrating out there. Well, except for that lunkhead Todd Erdos, IGm not so sure heGs with it. But heGs a dumb lightbulb changinG Kowalski, so he canGt help but be stupid. Anyhow, we all give 100% when weGre out on the mound and sometimes we scan the stands for teenage jailbait between pitches but we donGt let it affect our performance.

He also said that his brother was sent to Iraq a few months back and his family had no idea when heGd be returning. I wrote him back to clear up a few things. I mean, IGm flattered that he liked that SI piece, but IGve grown up a lot since then. Some of the things I said werenGt cool, and I needed to make sure that the kid knew that. Also, I canGt believe that a member of my fanclub got sent to Iraq. My fanclub members are great kids and the ragheads donGt deserve them, particularly when there are so many spics in this country who arenGt doing anything useful. For instance, our utility infielder Cesar Tovar is hitting about .150.

My fastball was flat and my curve had about as much movement as a migrant worker on a lunch break.

RegneryGs Political Side
Much of RegneryGs business involves conservative attack tomes.  It is famous for publishing John E. O'Neill and Jerome E. Corsi's "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry."  It also published Gary Aldrich's GǣUnlimited Access,Gǥ which told of Hillary Clinton hanging crack pipes on the White House Christmas tree and claimed to expose lesbian affairs in the White House basement.

Phillips was a figure in the drive to impeach Bill Clinton.  Wrote The Nation: GǣBy 8:55 am on the Weekend's first morning, Phillips had successfully bored even the faithful as he droned on about how he's turned the impeachment drive into a multimillion-dollar commercial bonanza. GWhat is bad for the country is good for Eagle Publishing," the rather orangy-haired Phillips boasted. GAs Western civilization has declined we have had a wonderful year! Seven successful anti-Clinton books! We took six of them and put them in a shrink-wrapped sixpack for $99.GGǥ

It is also interesting that George Allen is running ads criticizing Jim WebbGs 1979 Washingtonian article.  In 1998, Regenry published Brian MitchellGs screed:  "Women in the Military: Flirting with Disaster.Gǥ  The back flap of the book states, in part:  "How the enrollment of women has shattered the morale, traditions, and standards of West Point, Annapolis, and the Air Force Academy."  GǣTailhook and its aftermathGhow the real victims are still suffering from a political purge.Gǥ  [Available to view online here.]

I am interested to hear what other readers think about this.  Do you sense a pattern of racism?  I only did a bit of digging into Regnery's catalog -- my time is limited because of children.  Are there any other examples?  Thanks to all of you, and God bless Jim Webb.


Pattern of Hypocrisy and Manipulation? (Teddy - 10/7/2006 11:09:51 PM)
Regnery et al are absolutely vile, they are sleaze desperately anxious to pass for 1)academic research (on the Ann Coulter level) 2) mature commentary (on the Limbaugh level) and 3) high class upper crust (in the worst sense of nouveau riche). I think the Republican Party's wing of the elder Bush tolerates them because they feed and maintain the lunatic fringe to the benefit of the real Republican elite. I consider Regnery examples of the New Barbarians running the new Republican apparatus. Your research is good and on the mark. Allen would fit right in perfectly.

Like Father Like Son? (PM - 10/7/2006 11:26:56 PM)
Al's father Henry may have had the same "philosophy." Henry Regnery started the weekly Human Events right after WWII.  This was then the Henry Regnery Company.

Henry was also said to be interested in eugenics.  Eugenics is a social philosophy that argues for improvement of human hereditary traits through society’s intervention. Henry published The Geography of Intellect, by Stefen Possony and Nathaniel Weyl, a racist eugenics book which argued that tropical races have inadequate brain development.  See  It also argued that there are qualitative intellectual differences among races and nationality groups which are inherited.  (Weyl also wrote – for another publisher – “The Negro in Civilization” which sought to show that blacks are innately inferior to all other races.)

The first two books Henry published were attacks on the Nuremberg Trials. The company's third book was In Darkest Germany (1947) which reported that bombing raids in Germany's industrial North had left civilians starving and homeless. In 1954 Regnery published two of Birch Society leader Robert Welch's books.

Here's a picture of Al:  alfred regnery


Regnery Published the Neo-Confederate Thomas Woods! (PM - 10/8/2006 12:26:58 AM)
Damn, politics has me staying up too late.

Regnery published Thomas Woods' "The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History."  Check it out at a bookstore (but don't buy it).  It's an apologia for racism and rants against things like Brown v. Board of Education.

Woods is a charter member of the League of the South.  I found this out on the conservative blog Obsidian Wings, which thinks he's a vile person.  In its own words, the League says:http://leagueoftheso...

The League of the South seeks to advance the cultural, social, economic, and political well-being and independence of the Southern people by all honourable means.  Thus, the central idea that drives our organisation is the redemption of our independence as a nation. We envision a free and prosperous Southern Republic founded on private property, free association, fair trade, sound money, low and equitable taxes, equal justice before the law, secure borders, and armed and vigilant neutrality.

Here's what Obsidian says:http://obsidianwings...

Why is a conservative like me coming down on another "conservative"? First, because he's not a conservative. Just as fellow editor Sebastian Holsclaw felt the need to criticize the Bush administration for extraordinary rendition, it's also important to challenge those with disagreeable views who falsely claim the mantle of conservatism.***The most relevant is that Woods is founding member of a vile organization, the League of the South. Pat Buchanan succeeded at marginalizing himself over the years, and Lew Rockwell has always been at the far margins of the political spectrum. So must we put Thomas E. Woods Jr.

The League of the South advocates the secession and subsequent independence of the Southern States from this forced union and the formation of a Southern republic.
The League of the South is a group of separatists and they are uniformly white in skin color, so it's not much of a stretch to conclude that they are white separatists.***

In 1998, Woods was a speaker at the League of the South annual conference in Birmingham, his second appearance before this group at an annual conference. In 2000, Woods crafted a written contribution to the American Secession Project. I've seen no evidence that he's dissociated from the League of the South or its white separatist philosophy. In his 2004 book, out of all the American historical pictures to choose from for a book cover, Woods chose this.


Here's what a writer for the very conservative Weekly Standard said about the book:

Soon enough, however, the guide starts to slip from conventional history into a Bizarro world where every state has the right to disregard any piece of federal legislation it doesn't like or even to secede. "There is, obviously, no provision in the Constitution that explicitly authorizes nullification," the author concedes, but Woods nevertheless is convinced that this right exists. His source? Mainly the writings of the Southern pro-slavery politician John C. Calhoun.

Woods is only getting warmed up. Next he comes to the origins of the "Civil War" which, it seems, was pretty much the fault of Northern abolitionists whose writings "seethed with loathing for the entire South" and "only served to discredit anti-slavery activity in the South." You might be wondering about those quotation marks around Civil War. Woods doesn't think that's a proper description of the conflict. He likes "War Between the 
States," the preferred term of Southern sympathizers. "Other, more ideologically charged (but nevertheless much more accurate) names for the conflict," he adds, helpfully, "include the War for Southern Independence and even the War of Northern Aggression."


Has the Weekly Standard gone soft?  No, it just recognizes bad history and racism when it sees it:

Later on, he expresses disgust with federal desegregation policy in the 1950s and 1960s.  But first Woods gives a Gone With the Wind version of Reconstruction, with evil Republican carpetbaggers trying to rape the virtuous South. He is particularly upset about the 14th Amendment (he claims it was never lawfully ratified) because it barred former Confederates from holding political office. "Thus," Woods laments, "the natural leadership class of the South would be disqualified from office and disgraced forever by having been dishonored in a constitutional amendment." It never occurs to Woods that "the natural leadership class" may have disgraced itself already by holding fellow human beings in bondage.

Here's more on Woods' racism from Max Boot of the Weekly Standard:

HAVING FINISHED this absurd manifesto, I was curious to learn more about its author. All the book tells you is that he has a bachelor's degree in history from Harvard and a Ph.D. from Columbia. A quick Internet search reveals that he is an assistant professor of history at Suffolk County Community College on Long Island, and a founding member of the League of the South. According to its website, the League "advocates the secession and subsequent independence of the Southern States from this forced union and the formation of a Southern republic." As an interim step before this glorious goal is achieved, the League urges its members to "fly Confederate flags at your residence or business every day" and to "become as self-sufficient as possible"--"if possible, raise chickens and keep a cow to provide eggs and dairy products for your family and friends." The League also counsels "white Southerners" that they should not "give control over their civilization and its institutions to another race, whether it be native blacks or Hispanic immigrants."

Boot concludes:

Shame on Regnery, a once-respectable publishing house, for lending its imprimatur to such tripe. Woods' book is politically incorrect, all right. It's also morally incorrect. And factually incorrect.

I think George Allen has a lot to answer for here.  Regnery is way out of bounds in its current views.  Allen should give every penny back from his Phillips-Regnery hosted fundraiser.

If I was African American.... (mosquitopest - 10/8/2006 1:55:20 AM)
I'd be looking with suspicion at ANY african american throwing support George Allen's way....

Heck I look at suspicion at averyone supporting George Allen....they all seem to have some sort of pay off coming....


look up... (vote-left - 10/8/2006 2:19:54 AM)
...the property records of the home on the invitation. 


1)  Who (or what) actually owns the home

2)  The amount paid for the home

3)  The amount the county assesses the home at, for property tax purposes

I know assessed values for tax purposes are typically less than what a home sales for, but not that much less, especially when values have been increasing the way they have these last few years

could you give us the assessment? (PM - 10/8/2006 3:38:20 PM)

It is assessed... (vote-left - 10/8/2006 7:24:53 PM) only $4.0008mil.  I say "only" because it is less than 50% of the $8.727mil that the records show that this 11,724 sq. ft. home last sold for in 2005.

I know the assessed value is typically less than what a home sells for, but not that much less!  That is, unless that is just a benefit for people with McMansions and I am simply naive' because haven't made it to that league yet (snark).

Duncan Hunter (R-CA) Got Special Deal Too (PM - 10/9/2006 8:32:24 AM)>%20News%20>%20Metro%20--%20Hunter%20got%20break%20on%20taxes%20for%20home&expire=&urlID=19751512&fb=Y&url=http://www.signonsan...

More on another Regnery who's a white supremacist (PM - 10/8/2006 3:43:55 PM)
This is brutal.  William Regenery II is another problematic member of the Regnery family.  http://en.wikipedia....  He is the nephew of Henry Regnery and a cousin of Alfred Regnery.  He founded the Charles Martel Society, which publishes a white supremacist journal called The Occidental Quarterly.  http://theoccidental...  The quarterly's principles are:

  The West is a cultural compound of our Classical, Christian, andGermanic past. Race informs culture; it is the necessary precondition for cultural identity and integrity. In 1950 whites represented 30
percent of the world's population. If current trends persist, this number will plummet to 8 percent by 2050. In the United States, whites are projected to become a minority of the national population in less than fifty years. The result will impoverish not only their  descendants but the world in general and will jeopardize the civilization and free governments that whites have created.***
  America and its cultural and political  identity will endure only so long as the identities that created it and
sustain it endure, and when they die, America will die. We do not wish this to happen and will work to ensure it does not.

  The European identity of the United States and its people should be maintained. Immigration into the United States should be restricted to  selected people of European ancestry.

The journal has had articles by white-supremacist luminaries such as the late Sam Francis, editor for the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens (George Allen's old photo-op friends), and Wayne Lutton of the hate group The Social Contract Press.  According to the Southern Poverty Law Center: 

By 1996, Lutton was addressing the annual conference of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), a group that today regularly attacks black people and gays in the crudest terms. Third Worlders, Lutton told his audience, "have declared demographic war against us. ... Why are their populations exploding? Because ... our people have exported medical technology and we feed them. Had we left them alone, many of them would be going extinct today."

According to Max Blumenthal, the Occidental journal is antisemitic:

The[Occidental] journal contained Long Beach State University evolutionary psychology professor Kevin MacDonald's article "Understanding Jewish Influence: A Study in Ethnic Activism", which contends that Jews have special psychological traits that allow them to out-compete white Gentiles for resources and power. The 2004 tract has turned MacDonald into a celebrity within white nationalist and neo-Nazi circles. Buehl eagerly volunteered his opinion of MacDonald's thesis: "It is absolutely irrefutable and astronomical in its implications."  http://www.thenation...

According to the Southern Law Poverty Center,  http://www.splcenter... William Regnery II is a prime mover and shaker in white nationalism publishing.  He is said to be "moving into a new line of business: match-making for "heterosexual whites of Christian cultural heritage."  In an appeal to potential investors titled "Population is Destiny," Regnery wrote that the Caucasian dating service would be no ordinary money-making opportunity, but a chance to ensure "the survival of our race," which "depends upon our people marrying, reproducing and parenting." Regnery, who says he's long been concerned with a "tendency to bachelorhood" among white men, told the potential investors that his  latest effort to save the white race would not stop with match-making.  The dating service, he says, will be only the "first arrow in a business quiver" providing "services and products to whites." See also http://www.workingfo... 

My gosh this has snowballed (Peace - 10/9/2006 8:57:04 AM)
You guys really do hop all over a topic.  I've found two new things, but one really needs a separate post.

This family's strange behavior goes back a way.  It appears that the grandfather was an antisemite.

Henry’s father, William H. Regnery I, and Gen. Robert E. Wood were two of the original founders of the America First Committee (1940). The America First Committee was an organization committed to opposing all efforts to aid Allies besieged by Nazi Germany. William H. Regnery I was president of the Western Shade Cloth Company, a textile manufacturer.  William H.  Regnery's son Henry founded the Regnery of today. Alfred, of the current generation, was the son of Henry.

Although many respectable people joined America First,
like JFK, Gerald Ford, and Potter Stewart, it had a fringe element. And some of the the leadership of America First was antisemitic.  According to http://www.ajweberma...  Gen. Wood made no effort to keep out openly pro-Nazi groups known to have been supported by Germany, such as the German American Bund. Radio priest Father Charles Coughlin's anti-Semitic and pro-Axis followers were also permitted by Wood to work within America First.  A 1942 FBI report reportedly indicated that Wood's "patriotic" group had "been called upon to accept financial assistance from pro-Nazi sources."  “As the war progressed, the group's rhetoric came to closely mirror Nazi propaganda and its membership roll was filled by former members of defunct American fascist organizations covertly funded by the Nazis throughout the 1930s.”  http://www.prospect....

Time and space do not permit thorough examination of the America First philosophy.  However, its major leaders included the virulently anti-Semitic Henry Ford, http://en.wikipedia....  and the problematic Charles Lindbergh, who gave an important, and reputation-damaging speech against the war in Des Moines, IA, in September 1941.  In part he said:

The second major group I mentioned [that supports war] is the Jewish. *** Instead of agitating for war, the Jewish groups in this country should be opposing it in every possible way for they will be among the first to feel its consequences.[???]***  Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government.

[note: he does admit in the speech that Germany was persecuting Jewish people]

Okay, so what?  What does that suggest about Wm. Regnery I?  So he hung around with antisemites.

But a little-known book contains a nugget strongly suggesting William I was anti-Semitic.  See George L. Hicks’ “The Experimental Americans,” about William Regnery’s financing of a cooperative farming community called Celo.

Plans for small-scale industrial development in Celo added to Regnery's frustration. And gave Morgan optimistic hope. A "young manufacturing chemist in Chicago," involved in consumer cooperatives, visited Celo as a prospective member in 1943 and expressed interest in setting up a small chemical plant in the community. That the chemist was Jewish only strengthened Regnery's resistance. Morgan tried to mollify the Community's benefactor. "Since his name is Goldstein, I judge he is of Jewish descent, though I believe that his religious affiliation is Protestant" (AEM to WHR, 12/14/43). (Goldstein was a member of the Society of Friends.) Again, when Goldstein added two friends to his proposed chemical business in Celo, Morgan repeated his opinion: "Only the first [Goldstein] has any Jewish background, and he impressed me as not having Jewish characteristics" (AEM to WHR, 1/20/44).

"That the chemist was Jewish only strengthened Regnery's resistance."  That enough for you?

After Pearl Harbor and Germany's declaration of war on the United States, the America First Committee didn't go out of business as it officially declared on December 12, 1941. Five days later, a secret meeting of certain key leaders of America First took place in New York to plan for what they assumed (and hoped) would be the Axis victory in Europe and the Far East. "[T]he Committee has in reality gone underground," FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover reported to the White House. It began planning for the day when they would be the Americans with whom the victorious Nazis would negotiate a surrender. Finally, when the defeat of the Nazis by Allied powers was a foregone conclusion, the America First Committee secretly dissolved itself in 1944.