Busy Day for Jim Webb

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/7/2006 9:05:39 AM

12:30 PM
Virginia Union University Homecoming Football Game:

2:00 PM
2nd Street Festival in Richmond

4:00 PM
Nostalgiafest in Petersburg

5:30 PM
Norfolk NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet

7:00 PM
Peninsula Jefferson-Jackson Celebration and Democrats of the Year Awards

Now, who said that Jim Webb wasn't working his ass off to meet people all over Virginia?  Oh yeah, more lies from the Allen people of course.

Lowell Feld is Netroots Coordinator for the Jim Webb for US Senate Campaign.  The ideas expressed here belong to Lowell Feld alone, and do not represent those of Jim Webb, his advisors, staff, or supporters.


Too bad Mother Nature shit all over Richmond (phriendlyjaime - 10/7/2006 6:14:17 PM)
Bummer.  We had a HUGE group of volunteers ready to walk with Jim through the Richmond events, but alas; we got the most rain this weekend than we have gotten in months, and the Richmond events were cancelled by the city due to lightning. 

Our signs looked great, though.  :)

Speaking of signs, there are now Webb/Moran signs (Lowell - 10/7/2006 6:18:58 PM)
all over Arlington.  It's great to see.