If this passes it will change the Virginia constitution and state that only marriage and those rights granted through marriage should be between one man and one woman only, but this amendment goes far beyond that and includes all "unmarried couples" Whether they be gay or straight this amendment will deny rights too Virginia citizens in the exact place where rights are supposed too be granted. This is not a gay rights issue and if this amendment passes it will take Virginia backwards when our goal as a state should be to move forward.
"Our Greatest fear is not that we are inadequate our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond all measure, it is our light that frightens us not our darkness. Your playing small does not serve the World. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around us. And as we let our light shine we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear our presence automatically liberates others."
If we follow this quote and vote against the marriage amendment then we can show the rest of the country that we are fearful of anyone, or anything, including legislation that is wrong and bigoted. I urge all Virginians to vote as I will on November 7th and vote "NO" on Question #1 on the ballot initiative.
Michael A. Pudhorodsky
Generation Y