Video of Jim Webb at Loudoun County Democrats' Breakfast - 9/30, 8 am

By: roadette
Published On: 10/1/2006 11:25:14 PM

I blogged about this event right after it happened, so I won't recount the entire tale.

This video gives a good flavor of the event. But more importantly, it shows Jim talking about the importance of this midterm election: It could alter the demographic composition of both the Republican and Democratic parties.

He is making the case for bringing back Democrats who voted Republican, largely because of national security issues, but who have never been comfortable with the rape and pillage economic tactics of the Rethuglicans. Listen for yourself at:


how about (TurnVirginiaBlue - 10/2/2006 1:52:03 PM)
Those who are concerned about real national security and defense must know in their heart of hearts,  the Republican party has been taken over by corruption and incompetence.

Come join us in building a real strong America and military and vote Webb.