Allen implosion the lead on Hardball today

By: Newport News Dem
Published On: 9/26/2006 5:13:26 PM

Remember how macaca had no legs, argued Allenistas?

Hardball just came on at 5 PM. The lead is all about Allen with Ed Gillepsi as the defender. Matthews is hammering him pretty good!

Early in the David Gregory piece..."the Webb campaign is surging having collected over $1 million in the last week"!


Down Goes Frazier (Newport News Dem - 9/26/2006 5:28:48 PM)
ouch.....Matthews was a pit bull taking a bite out of Gillespie's backside

On again now. n/t (phriendlyjaime - 9/26/2006 7:09:40 PM)

COMMENT HIDDEN (glascoed - 9/26/2006 5:34:18 PM)

You are correct (Eric - 9/26/2006 5:55:29 PM)
when you say "What is important is what George Allen does today".

And that very notion is why the "macaca" incident last month is so important.  It's not just a media frenzy based on the slip of the tongue.  It's a snapshot of Allen's true character.

If the "macaca" incident was the very first racially insensitive thing Allen had ever done it could be chalked up to a heat of the moment mistake.

But combined with so many other incidents in his past, it says in no uncertain terms that Allen is at least racially insensitive, if not a flat out racist, and has not changed.  He is still an intimidating bully who will use race against someone for his own gain or pleasure.

I'm glad to hear that you got through to Allen in a time of need.  Most people never hear back from him.  And I understand if you place that personal help from Allen above all this and you (would) vote for him. 

But most people aren't in that unique position.  The vast majority don't like what they see and they've never received special help from him.  He doesn't deserve their votes and I doubt he'll get them.

Allen is a racist. n/t (Arturo - 9/26/2006 6:48:43 PM)

Wait. (phriendlyjaime - 9/26/2006 7:01:58 PM)
You don't even live here, how would you even know what kind of "form letter" Jim Webb is sending out?  Oh, wait...that's right, your "friends and family" have told you.  Nice try.

And also, I would love for you to be able to "prove" that Allen saved your business since you say we can't "prove" anyone eles's accusations regarding George Allen.  Do you have any articles about it, any more information?  If this was an intervention to save a business as you say, there had to be a pretty big reason to do it, right? Was this a city wide thing, county?  Was it legal?

C'mon...provide a link to something, or I don't want to hear it.

You don't seem so friendly (glascoed - 9/27/2006 4:02:49 PM)
Well friendly jaimie you don't seem so friendly.  It is true I don't live in VA now, but it doesn't change the fact that George Allen did not ask me my race before he provided assistance.  I lived in VA from 1991 until 2002 and I still pay taxes in VA for homes that I own there.  The specifics of Mr. Allen's help is not of importance other than it was within the scope of his authority.  When I asked for his assistance, he did not know me from anywhere, I did not vote for him, yet when I contacted his office he assisted.  There was no check list that requested my race before I could receive assistance. He just plain and simple helped.

So, you have no proof. (phriendlyjaime - 9/27/2006 4:18:57 PM)
And we have no reason to believe you.  It's not about me being friendly, it's about you lying.  Give it a rest.  There is no way that somehow Allen just "helped" someone off the books as a politician, or he would be investigated for fraud.  Back it up, and I will credit you and apologize.  You haven't even given a specific!

Liar? (glascoed - 9/27/2006 4:30:47 PM)
Well, if I am a liar, then Allen is a racist ... and I am no liar, but if it makes you feel better, you can continue to think I am a liar and Allen is a racist.

Nice join date, btw. (phriendlyjaime - 9/27/2006 4:55:05 PM)
So, you joined on Tuesday, huh?  Which A-Team member are you?  Do you all honestly think we are that dumb?  WE GET IT!  You're jealous and you like to come here to get a rise, but stop hiding behind a fake name, already, it's pitiful and sad.

Oh, and still, you offer no backstory and no proof.

Well to be honest (glascoed - 9/27/2006 5:02:34 PM)
This is the first political forum I ever joined in my entire life.  Yesterday I just happened to go on aol and saw a headline that said George Allen was accused of being racist.  My first reaction was anger.  I thought to myself, this is the same nonsense that the 'swiftboaters' did to Kerry.  I thought to myself, its time for good people like myself to stop being silent while these corrupt politicians smear good politicians.  George Allen works for his constituents and I felt compelled to let someone know.

My experience has been different. (Bubby - 9/26/2006 7:02:48 PM)
In fact, in the run-up to the Iraq War in 2002 I worked furiously to lobby my representatives to put the brakes on George Bush and his gang as they went head-long to war.  All, repeat, all of my representatives, responded to my request for caution. Some in support, some not.  But we discussed the matter.  George Allen never responded.  I called his office and asked for his position regarding invasion...his staff hung up on me. Emails were never returned.  Facsimiles were ignored.

This is not the first time that he has not provided a response to my courteous address. In fact the only correspondence I receive from George Allen is glossy literature pimping his accomplishments.

George Allen is a pompous ass who deems himself better than me. When I saw him go off on that kid in Dickinson County I saw something I knew.  Arrogance and elitism.  Fuck George Allen. Who does he think he is? 

I have had the same experience (mickeyd - 9/26/2006 10:56:37 PM)
Over the past six years I have made my views clear to my congressman and both senators and have often asked them to take certain positions or vote in a certain way.  Senator Warner and my congressman, Jim Moran, have unfailingly responded.  On only two occasions I received non-responsive form letters from Allen.  He has failed to respond to many many more.  I just assumed that Allen's staff realized that I was not in synch with Allen and just blew me off.

I can't dispute your experience (glascoed - 9/27/2006 4:06:47 PM)
I can't dispute your experience, and I am sorry you had a bad experience.  I did not say George Allen or his staff was angel.  I don't know him personally.  But I can say that he is not a racist (or at least his staff is not racist).  I have had the displeasure of dealing with racist mindset, and I can say I don't see George Allen as a racist.  I am against the war myself, and sorry you had a bad experience.

Beyond you, there is Virginia (Bubby - 9/27/2006 6:04:54 PM)
Congratulations on your interaction with George Allen.  Have you seen the video of his interaction with S.R.Siddarth?  Do you believe that George Allen "made up" the name "macaca"?  He says he did.  Yet his mother is from Tunisia where foul people use the term to refer to dark skinned people. 

Would you respect a member of your community if he denied his heritage in your community?  Reporters knew that Mr. Allen's family was Jewish years ago, yet Mr. Allen says he learned of this heritage a few weeks ago.  Why would Mr. Allen make jokes about Jewish food customs last week? He says that he has pride in his Jewish heritage. Do you believe him?

This election is about Virginia, and our representative to the United States Senate. We are all asked to set aside our personal interests and consider the best interests of the Union which we call America. We must judge the candidates on their ability to represent ALL citizens.

I was feeling your vibe until I got to the last paragraph. (glascoed - 9/27/2006 9:02:02 PM)
I can't answer your questions.  I can only judge people on my personal experience with them and when I have no experience with them I remain neutral and research 'factual' information not innuendo, allegations or rumor to draw conclusions about them.  While the idea that candidates are judged on their ability to represent all citizens is a nice idea, it is not reality.  Do you vote for the best candidate or do you vote party lines? If you vote party lines then you do not judge candidates on their ability to represent all citizens.

So answer the question. (Bubby - 9/28/2006 9:08:33 AM)
I'll start: I vote the candidate. Always. I am not registered with either party.

I'm asking you about your personal experience.

Do you believe that George Allen "made up" the name "macaca"?

Would you respect a member of your community if he denied his heritage in your community?

He says that he has pride in his Jewish heritage. Do you believe him? 

Answers to Questions (glascoed - 9/28/2006 7:14:44 PM)
I never vote for an entire party.  I vote democrat or republican depending on the best candidate.  I don't vote for any of the other parties because I believe my vote will be wasted, not because the candidate does not have the best platform, but independents don't usually garner up enough votes.

I don't think George Allen made up the word macaca. I believe he thinks he made the word up. I think he heard the word somewhere, maybe in his childhood, and don't remember that he's heard it before.  I do not believe that Allen intended to use the word in a racist context, I think he intended to embarrass the young man because he was spying (so to speak) on Allen.  Even if Allen was racist, I think Allen's too smart to make a racist remark in public, I think he'd make those remarks in private.  Which is why I don't think he intended the remark as  a racial slur.

Like I said, I do believe he intended the young man to feel uncomfortable, and he intended to make fun of the young man.  But when you volunteer to be a spy in a political campaign you assume the risk of being insulted, so I think the young man should have tougher skin.  I do believe the young man and the Webb camp is using this opportunity to blow things out of proportion and to smear George Allen.

A person would not lose my respect simply because they denied their heritage. The denial of one's heritage, is a symptom of other internal struggles or problems, the person might lose my respect based on the handling of their internal struggles or problems, but if the person has done several respectable things that outweighs internal struggle then they probably would not lose my respect.

For example, when everyone came down on Clinton about Monica, I did not see what all the uproar was about.  Men cheat every day, doesn't mean that they can't perform their job well.  Clinton never lost my respect, even though I don't spouses cheating.

I believe he has pride in his Jewish heritage.  I don't know that much about Jewish heritage, but most jewish people I know are smart, shrewd business people.  I think that, that is a lot to be proud of.

But You'll Concede Then That Tom Davis and John Warner (PM - 9/26/2006 8:00:48 PM)
were lousy reps?

I've stopped writing to Warner.  I get non-responsive form letters back on important issues.

I will concede (glascoed - 9/27/2006 4:09:17 PM)
I will concede that I would not vote for John Warner or Tom Davis. I believe representative should be responsive to their constituents, the ones that voted for them and the ones that didn't. 

Maybe not, but he has all the makings of a low life (Gordie - 9/26/2006 10:57:34 PM)
I worked in a steel mill and in that envirorment blacks called other blacks niggers. When asked why they would say that, they would answer they are a low life person. Over the years that word has come to have different meanings in different settings. Looking at the tape of "Macaca" and watching the tape on denial of his heritage in the debate and then his totally stupid replys for the reasons. I know how George uses that word and what is meant by it. Yes whites call other whites that word and few use it any more as originially intended. But when George stuffs a deer head into a black man's mail box I know how George is using that word. George can get all the approriations for college's and to help people like you with a business (Although I do not believe your story) but that does not change the fact that he is a person who should not represent the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Jim Webb will help a person in need, but not because they are black, white, yellow, blue, green or any other color. Jim will do it because some one needs help.
ps, I still think you are a ringer.

I don't know what a ringer is (glascoed - 9/27/2006 4:22:52 PM)
I don't know what a ringer is, but I am assuming that it is someone who pretends to be someone they are not, or maybe someone who spreads propaganda.  At any rate, my story is true, and its your perogative not to believe it, however your belief in my story does not make it less true.
Also, I don't know if Allen stuck a deer head in someone's mailbox or not.  I try not to judge people based on rumors since people have their own motives for spreading rumors.  The fact of the matter is none of these politicians are saints.  I just pick the one whose record match my philosophy the closest.  As a small business owner, I am pro small business.. George Allen is pro small business and I support him ... especially since he was responsive to my call for help.

Wonderful (Newport News Dem - 9/26/2006 6:00:44 PM)
Allen helped you out. Good for you and good for him.

Do you want to know what he has done for me? He needlessly sent my son in harm's way on the wings of lies and for no damn good reason. He voted to put my Marine son's life in danger out of a party loyalty vote for george bush.

Given the choice of you going out of business or the lives of 2800 soldiers and Marines and 25,000 more critically wounded, go the hell out of business!

These people are contemptible liars, incompetent and unworthy of anything but contempt, much less a vote!

I understand your anger (glascoed - 9/27/2006 4:27:10 PM)
I understand your anger.  My daughter was put in harms way.  She just came back from Iraq, thank God. I pray your son returned safely and I pray for those whose children, husbands,wives did not return alive.  I did not support the war,and I do not support the war.  I think it is counterproductive to which I 'go the hell out of business'. If I go out of business then I'll have to get on welfare and let your tax dollars support me, or maybe I'll be joining you on welfare.  Would that make you happier?

It is inconcievable (Newport News Dem - 9/27/2006 6:01:35 PM)
that you would support Allen based on his helping you with a problem when compared with this record as a Iraq war enabler.

My son had done 2 tours and has returned home safely both times.

Was I engaging in rhetorical overkill, yes as we know the choice I offered was false and not possible. I hope you become so damn wealthy in your business, you will donate $4200 to the re-election of Jim Webb in 2012! If so, maybe I will go on welfare and you can support tme! :~)

Deal! (glascoed - 9/27/2006 8:48:08 PM)
You've got a deal! :)

watching (TurnVirginiaBlue - 9/26/2006 7:20:24 PM)
Matthews is hammering Gillespie on this.  Hammering him.

then also hammered him on "oh let's talk about the issues, let's talk about Iraq". 

Then, Matthews said he thinks Allen is gonna win...
now I am saying to myself, HOW????  Diebold, massive
propaganda on TV, what?

The link: (Bubby - 9/26/2006 7:52:12 PM)
Ed Gillespie is insane, or evil. You decide.

watching (TurnVirginiaBlue - 9/26/2006 7:20:25 PM)
Matthews is hammering Gillespie on this.  Hammering him.

then also hammered him on "oh let's talk about the issues, let's talk about Iraq". 

Then, Matthews said he thinks Allen is gonna win...
now I am saying to myself, HOW????  Diebold, massive
propaganda on TV, what?

David Shuster (phriendlyjaime - 9/26/2006 7:42:54 PM)
His report and montage of the Allen implosion was devestating. 

The essential point... (vote-left - 9/26/2006 10:50:04 PM)
... that Larry Sabato made on Hardball that the MSM did not pick up on, was that THERE IS OTHER EVIDENCE:

Did Allen regularly use the n-word, Matthews asked?

"I'm simply going to say that I'm going to stay with what I know is the case and the fact is he did use the n-word, whether he's denying it now or not," Sabato replied. "He did use it. It was the '70s, you're right. It was a harsh term. It was an obscenity as far as I'm concerned. But it was used."

After Matthews asked Sabato how he knows Allen used that word, Sabato answered that: "Because there's other evidence that I'm not going to go into on your show, Chris, sorry."

Link to article

Therefore, I would expect there to be another bombshell in a day or two. 

Or, Sabato could have been "communicating" that he is aware of other public documents, such as previous newspaper articles, TV interviews, lawsuits, traffic tickets, arrest records, or some similar form of documented evidence which would prove Allen used the *N* word.

keep it coming (Newport News Dem - 9/26/2006 10:59:17 PM)
how about a complaint that was filed in the town or county by somone about stuffing a deer head in a mailbox.......

how about high school classmates confirming he owned a baseball bat with "nigger knocker" engraved on it.....

N N D... (vote-left - 9/26/2006 11:27:03 PM)
...that was my exact thought. 

Allen has such a history of bullying people (Sidarth being the most recent example), that he may have called someone a racial slur or intimidated them and they may have possibly filed a lawsuit against him.

If so, in Virginia, it would have been filed in a district court (which I do not believe are available online), and therefore each courthouse's database would need to be searched individually and the petitions reviewed.  There are eight or ten obvious counties to start with.

OK, here is more information... (vote-left - 9/27/2006 12:32:12 AM)
"My conclusion is based on the very credible testimony I have heard for weeks, mainly from people I personally know and knew in the '70s," Sabato wrote.