Hello Bloggers,
I am organizing a concert to engage and turnout young voters on election night this November 7th.
I need your help.
I just spoke with representatives from Rock The Vote and Music For America, both politcal organizations that help engage young people in America.
I have also just contacted Kos of popular blog site Dailykos.com and also John Hlinko, VP at Grassroots Enterprises in DC. John Hlinko started the draftwesleyclark.com movement in 2003, which led to Clark's run in 2004.
Here's where I'm at...
1) I need to find a venue, free or cheap if possible.
2) If possible, I need committmets even small dollars to help make this event possible.
3) Finally, if you'd like to help organize this event with me it would be very helpful.
So far, we have 4 rock bands in Virginia that are willing and ready to play for a concert on November 7th...for free!
You can help with something revolutionary not only in Virginia, but America.
Bring Virginia's youth to the the ballot box on November 7th. I guarantee we won't let you down, you know how important this election is.. help me rally youth for our invested future.
--Dave Montoya
djm4america (AIM/dailykos)
P.S. Here's the website, Youth For Virginia
I'd shoot for the weekend before in order to fire up the crowds. The concert should still be fresh in peoples minds a few days later when it's time to vote.
If you wanted to use it to recruit last minute volunteers maybe even the weekend before that.
How about a "Victory Across Virginia" or "Concerts Across the Commonwealth" evening where local bands all stage shows on the same evening? Instead of one big show it'd be many smaller ones - with a central show in one location. Maybe less number at each venue but overall many more people could participate.
Looks like they don't have anything booked for November 7. According to the website anyway.
now I need pledges from sponsors!!!!!!!