George Allen and the Lumbroso Code

By: Wolfram
Published On: 9/21/2006 10:40:46 PM

IGm astonished that George Allen (or his political advisors) could have believed that his broader family history would escape microscopic scrutiny as he approached a presidential candidacy. This would be true had his grandparents had been Catholics, animists or Zoroastrians.

The problem is not AllenGs grandparentsG religion G a trivial but legitimate subject of historical interest -- but in the way in which he has dealt with this subject, as if it were somehow a skeleton in his closet. He has continually attempted to evade and obfuscate the question since it was posed -- in a Jewish newspaper -- some time ago. Now, to justify his implausible claim of ignorance, he has trotted out his octogenarian mother to issue a touching but equally unsatisfactory apologia.

What it boils down to: AllenGs grandfather Felix Lumbroso (AllenGs grandmother, FelixG wife, seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle), a Jewish Tunisian businessman with ancient family ties to Italy, suffered a terrible experience during World War II. He was GǣincarceratedGǥ or GǣimprisonedGǥ by the GǣNazis.Gǥ
So terrible was this experience, the story goes, that his daughter, AllenGs mother, resolved to never tell her children of the reason for his incarceration, or to fend off their questions with vague generalities. So Allen grew up believing that G in his reported words, on various occasions G Felix Lumbroso had been incarcerated by the Nazis Gǣbecause of his prominent position,Gǥ or because he had been an GǣAllied sympathizer,Gǥ or because he had been a Gǣmember of the Free French resistanceGǥ or the Gǣanti-Nazi resistance,Gǥ or even because he had espoused Gǣeconomic freedomGǥ! Never, apparently, was George told G nor did he guess -- the most obvious reason for his grandfatherGs incarceration: because he was Jewish.

Obviously, having her father hauled away by Nazis in 1942 or 1943 could be a terribly traumatic experience for a young girl. Still, a glimpse into the situation of Jews in Tunisia during that period is enlightening. To begin with, Tunisian Jews were G with a handful of exceptions G not subjected to the absolute horrors befalling their coreligionaries in northern Europe. The GǣNazisGǥ G that is, the German army G occupied Tunisia only during 1942-43, and were frantically engaged on the military front; the GǣJewish questionGǥ was not a priority. Only a handful of the populace G mostly Italian-Tunisians G welcomed the arrival of the Axis troops. At the same time, Tunisian Jews (and particularly French and Italian-Tunisian Jews) were generally protected from extreme exactions by the local authorities: the Vichy French administration, the Italian military and the Moslem Bey of Tunis. Of a population of many thousands, only about 20 Tunisian Jews were transported to the European death camps. Many more G perhaps 10,000 G were conscripted into forced labor, and were sent to camps (Bizerte being the largest and most harsh) or to private farms or factories.

There was a small but active Resistance in Tunisia. Published records show that at least two members of the extended Lumbroso family were active in the Tunisian resistance, with one of them, Lucien Lambroso, being decorated with the Croix de Guerre after the war. But AllenGs grandfather Felix is nowhere mentioned in these records.

So why was Felix incarcerated? Because he advocated Gǣeconomic freedomGǥ? Preposterous! Because he was an GǣAllied sympathizerGǥ? Perhaps; but then, large numbers of Tunisians were Allied sympathizers in one form or another. Because he was a member of the Resistance? There is no record of this.

Most probably Felix was simply one of the thousands of able-bodied Jews (and others) who were conscripted into forced labor camps and who, when the Axis occupation collapsed in 1943, simply walked back to their homes. But is this a reason for traumatized silence?

There is yet another possibility. It is reported that the Felix Lumbroso family was at that time TunisiaGs leading importer of wines and spirits, including the famed Cinzano label. As such, the firm could only have had dealings with its traditional suppliers in Vichy France and Fascist Italy. These Lumbrosos would have been G in the broadest sense of the term G GǣcollaboratorsGǥ with the Axis occupiers. Upon arriving in Tunisia, the triumphant Allies promptly (if briefly) incarcerated a number of Tunisian collaborators G mostly Italian G in the same labor camps that had weeks before been occupied by Jewish conscripts. Did this fate befall Felix Lumbroso? Is this the skeleton in the closet? There is absolutely no evidence for this, but the confusion of AllenGs statements opens the door to endless speculation.

In short, it seems that George and his parents engaged in a lifelong GǣdonGt ask G donGt tellGǥ conspiracy. Etty has since made her true motivation clear. It was not the trauma of her fatherGs wartime experience that kept her silent. It was, sadly, more mundane than that: fifty years ago, large numbers of Americans were still blatantly racist and openly anti-Semitic. EttyGs relationship with her prospective husbandGs family and his career prospects could and probably would have been harmed by disclosure of her Jewish heritage. And so, from her own instincts and at George Sr.Gs urging, she kept mum. Hardly uncommon and by no means morally reprehensible.

All of this makes sense. And George Jr.Gs studied ignorance of his family history begins to fall into place: he is, after all, his motherGs son. But his professions of ignorance contain a huge dose of implausibility: is he the Bubble Boy? Has he been kept in clinical isolation from his extended and extensive Lumbroso family through all of these decades? No contact, no conversations with aunts, uncles, cousins? I can tell you outright, and from experience, that it is impossible for a grown man to be unaware of the religion of half of his familyGǪespecially if it is a Jewish half!

The final explanation is elsewhere. In fact, residual anti-Semitism is far from dead in this country and, while it might no longer hurt so much to be Jewish, it still helps to be Gentile, especially if one is a low-level politician courting a white Southern constituency behind a cowboy persona. This approach turns out to be short-sighted, however, if the politician happens to have nationwide and presidential ambitions: sooner or later his family background G like that of John Kerry or Wesley Clark or Madeleine Albright G is doomed to come under the microscope. Allen should have realized that long ago. His past failure to deal with an impending problem and his current catastrophic attempts at damage control are not an encouraging sign of political competence or moral fiber.

Historical addendum:

It appears that George Allen will soon begin calling himself a Holocaust victim. In a recent development, Allen quotes his mother as having asked him: "Are they going to be putting gold stars on you?" It should be noted that, due to Italian insistence, the Jews of Tunis -- Mrs. Allen's home -- were specifically exempted from the requirement to wear the Star of David during the Axis occupation.

Yet another historical addendum:

The delightful photograph accompanying this commentary shows "native" North African Jews wearing what I believe is traditional Arab or Turkish garb. The Lumbrosos, who arrived in Tunisia from Italy -- probably Livorno -- as early as the late 17th Century, belonged to a distinct "Europeanizing" social grouping that wore European dress (including powdered wigs, while they were in fashion...but no cowboy boots!)

Let me finish this commentary by saying that, from an amateur historian's perspective, I view the historical Lumbroso family's millenial peregrination around and across the Mediterranean basin with immense respect and great fascination. Over centuries, Lumbrosos have made significant contributions to the history of Tunisia and are still today well-represented in many areas of European intellectual and cultural life.


RE: Excellent Post (JPTERP - 9/22/2006 12:33:26 AM)
Great historical background, exceptional analysis.  This line of reasoning sounds highly plausible--it helps to bring some additional clarity to this issue as well.  Thanks for the post. 

As in said (Newport News Dem - 9/22/2006 8:26:26 AM)
the "cover-up" is always the problem.

I can't honestly know why Allen was unwilling to admit his past, however, it is the lies he told and his outragious statements made that are the issues.

George Allen and His Jewish Ancestry (seamusotoole - 9/22/2006 9:05:42 AM)
Sometimes the people who are the most judgmental about others end up having it come back to haunt them.  It's like the homophobic parent who finds out there son is gay after they've bashed gays for years.  George Allen continues to be totally insensitive by making a comment about continuing to eat ham and pork chops.  The sad part for this human being is that I don't think he has a clue as to just how racist and bigoted he is.  It is reminiscent of one Chris
Craddock who crashed and burned by his continuous insensitve and inflammatory comments. Even after his comments when he was confronted he continued to see nothing wrong with his statments. I truly believe that these narrow minded beliefs become a part of one's personality and they are unable to have any insight whatsoever.

Is it true (Jeff B - 9/22/2006 9:24:00 AM)
Mel Gibson has asked Sen Allen for his campaign contribution back?

One question... (Loudoun County Dem - 9/22/2006 9:24:10 AM)
From the Allen's Mother Revealed Jewish Heritage to Him Last Month story in yesterdays WaPo:

"Allen's mother said she first began concealing her Jewish roots after meeting her future husband, afraid that she would not be accepted by his parents and fearful that her religion could harm his budding coaching career..."

Doesn't this throw Allen's paternal grandparents under the bus? What's up with that?

It's quite obvious that.... (bladerunner - 9/22/2006 9:52:47 AM)
Allen has known of this for a while. The analogy of, "Don't ask, Don't Tell" is perfecto!!! It is ironic because this whole thing goes against his, "Redneck" image. Like when he goes to the Richmond NASCAR race every spring and fall and makes his prescence (sp) known. There are usually big signs: Sportsman for Allen, etc. I would love to hear some of the chatter that will be going on in some of those Virginia hunting shacks in the woods.

For Felix Allen and Wadhams to turn this into an Anti semitic witch hunt is not a good strategy to follow, but if Wadhams wants to do it, let him. And also let it be known that it's not Webb's campaign doing this it's Allen's own self destructing behavior that's getting himself all tangled up.

“What did he know, and when did he know it?” (bb10 - 9/22/2006 10:15:05 AM)
You’re right to ask the “what did he know, and when did he know it?’ question. The Charlottesville “Daily Progress” did that very well in an opinion piece (“Allen camp's about-face”) yesterday (it’s here). The piece begins this way:

“Sen. George F. Allen made a relevant point when he questioned a questioner at this week’s debate.

“Why is that relevant - my religion, Jim’s religion or the religious beliefs of anyone out there?” he demanded when a panelist asked him about reports that his mother is of Jewish heritage.

He’s right, as far as that goes. A parent’s or grandparent’s religion is seldom relevant to a candidate’s political record or platform.

But in this case, there is an answer to Mr. Allen’s question. In this case, there is relevance.

And it’s this: Three years ago The Daily Progress reported that the senator’s mother was of Jewish heritage.

Two days later, Mr. Allen’s press secretary called to demand a correction.

What’s relevant? It’s that Mr. Allen - or at least his handlers - prevaricated about his mother’s, and therefore his own, heritage three years ago.”

Please go and read the entire piece, and share it with your friends.

What really (libra - 9/22/2006 8:45:49 PM)
made me incadescent with rage was that Allen had turned it into a question of *religion*. To Nazis, religion never made a bit of difference; Nazis and the Inquisition had a different approach to the subject.

My grandmother was deeply religious, true. But neither of my aunts nor my mother were -- they all ate those ham sandwiches and those pork chops Allen's so proud of, whenever their mother wasn't watching. But 3 of the 4 -- my granny and two of her daughters -- ended up in the Auschwitz gas chamber and my mother would have also, had she not escaped into Soviet Union. From the Nazi point of view, Allen could have been a triple *Christian saint* who ate pork and nothing else and he would *still* have been on the shortlist to the gas.

"Terrible experience", pfui; terrible experience is when your nearest and dearest do *not* survive, not when they do. My mother didn't flaunt her "tainted origins", but, the moment I came home from preschool with: "Jews crucified Christ, they kill Christian babies for matzohs and you need to ask them to put their pee-pees on a board to find them", she sat me down and explained a few things about racial prejudice. I was 4 (and my father had a baptismal certificate, so *there* )... 

Regarding antisemitism in VA. It used to be there, as recently as 33 yrs ago (when I came to this country). Bad as my commie connection was to my WASP MIL; bad as my Polack half was (possible taint from Catholicism)... None irked her as much as the kike half. She liked me as a person, because she could see I was making her son happy. So I'd hear no end of those little half digs, half compliments like "I love Barbara Streisand; you have a nose just like her"... Very polite and "gentlewoman like" :)

If grandpa Lambroso *was* a collaborator... Yes, I can see how it could hurt even more than just having 50% of "wrong" genetic make-up. Especially since, the only one who's *always recognised as a Jew* among Christians (at least in Poland) is Judas; the rest of the Last Supper tableau manages to, somehow, escape the bad odor.