I saw plenty of friends there and with a crowd that was at least 800-1,000 people, there were way too many people to talk with. Even some people I know I never found, and in teacherken's case, I didn't recognize him until I was almost ready to leave.
The food was great, and the atmosphere was terrific, out on the back lawn next to the river. The views were spectacular. Join me on the flip for more photos!
First, the Central Committee meeting earlier in the day was short and to the point. The speechifying was mostly absent, and we all wanted to go to Mark Warner's house. Here is Sen. Creigh Deeds and Delegate Brian Moran at the meeting:
These two guys have got to be the hardest working Democrats not currently running for office. Everywhere I go, there they are, speaking out and invigorating Democrats.
Here are more photos from the roast, and then some backstory:
Above: Phil Kellam takes a picture with a supporter.
Below: Jim Webb talks with supporters.
There are a group of Dkos members that have put together an organization and project called, "Crashing the States". Ken talked a little about them in his diary. These folks were at the roast and were interviewing bloggers, commenters and the general public. What you see above are some photos of the guys from CTS interviewing Jim Webb.
Look for their exploits and reports from the 26 (?) states they will be in from now until election day.
All in all, a great day for Democrats, with many more great days coming. Every day we work hard and fight the fight, the closer we come to taking back the Congress and ridding ourselves of this corrupt administration.
For information about the photos, to use them for whatever purpose, contact me. I am more than willing to share as long as attribution is given.
Photos Copyright 2006 Mark Brooks
Great report on the event though, wish I had gone.
And while I recognized you immediately Mark, I probably should have reminded you who I was the first two times we talked. My Bad.