Kilgore Campaign: Tree Killers

By: Tabitha
Published On: 7/8/2005 1:00:00 AM

I don't know about elsewhere in the state, but there is something that has really bothered me.

I haven't made any comments concerning the fact that about 75% of the Kilgore signs around the counties of Lee, Scott, and Wise could technically be considered VDOT right of ways. I haven't even remarked on the stories a few people have told me of Kilgore signs mysteriously appearing in their yards overnight. However, the Kilgore campaign clan has a practice this year that I find abhorring- NAILING signs into trees.

Now most people around here would say, heck, you got a lot of trees around there, what?s the big deal? Well, as the wife of a farmer who grows apples for a living, I can tell you that any cut into a tree can cause the invasion of fungus or disease into a tree. (This is why you can?t weed-eat around the apple trees.)

I noticed it around primary time. I saw several signs nailed into trees at the polls. It slightly bothered me then, but I overlooked it as a ?mistake? of an eager poll worker. However, yesterday I had to drive around several counties and I soon realized that someone has nailed Kilgore signs to trees everywhere in SWVA.

This is destructive to the trees, as any conservationist can tell you. While I am not a radical (I do believe in select cut forestry and managed practices of forestry) it bothers me that somebody would so recklessly place signs on public property, even National Forests, and not think a thing about it.

Furthermore, we have a rare, almost extinct Chestnut tree near home. If I came by and saw somebody nailing a sign into it, I would be extremely angry. This one mindless act could kill a tree over time.

Furthermore, it is shameful if you can?t actually find someone with a yard that they own who will let you put a sign up. Yeah, it may take you a little more work to locate a yard, but people won?t be angry at your campaign.

Please people, leave the poor trees alone. Somebody should take a stapling gun and tack a sign to that campaigner?s back to let them know how it feels.


Heck yes they appear (Neal2028 - 4/4/2006 11:27:14 PM)
Heck yes they appear out of no where.  My aunt lives on the highway from Hansonville to Castlewood in Russell County.  About a mile down the roas is a turn-off to a community called Bolton, where Hansonville residents go vote.  On primary morning, she had four or five of the little signs in her yard (big yard right on the highway).  Needless to say, my aunt, democrat since Hubert Humphrey `68 -burned them and called in and complained.  They said she had "requested" them...