Thelma Drake wants our troops in Iraq for "years to come"

By: Rob
Published On: 9/14/2006 1:00:00 PM

Stark contrast:

Phil Kellam thinks Americans must work together to develop a plan to bring our troops home from Iraq.

Thelma Drake thinks the United States should stay in Iraq for many years to come - similar to what the nation did in Germany and Japan after World War II.

World War II?

"We don't mind that we still have troops in Germany, or that we still have troops in Japan or Korea," Drake said. "But they are not in danger, and we know that they are in danger in Iraq."

We've had troops in those countries for over 60 years?  Is she saying our troops should stay in Iraq for that long?  Probably not, but I don't think this is the analogy a war-weary electorate wants to hear.

Also, note that Drake is still fighting upstream against reality, trying to paint a pretty picture of "tremendous progress" in a country teetering on the edge of civil war.


Missing the Point (novalib - 9/14/2006 2:03:40 PM)
Everyone involved in this debate is missing the point.
The question is not "When do we bring the troops home?"
The question is "When doens the fighting stop?"
Because we have over 100,000 soldiers in Germanny and Japan (as of 2005). 
It is perfectly acceptable to maintain a global base of military operations as long as our troops are not in constant danger.  This wasy, we can respond to conflicts easier and help stabilize the globe.  I, for one am not opposed to keeping a permanent military presence in IRAQ, AS LONG AS we can first make it a safe place for Iraqis and our men and women in uniform.

How Long Has This Been Going On? (VA Breeze - 9/14/2006 3:57:41 PM)
The "selling" of the Iraq war has changed so many times-I don't know what to believe-I thought the USA is there as liberators, not occupiers.

Iraq is ethnically unique (Alicia - 9/14/2006 6:40:12 PM)
NOT like Germany or Japan

Does she even read her issue papers on the ethnic issues in Iraq?

Stupid is as stupid says.  And pretty easy of her to send other people's kids to a war.  Just like the rest of 'em in this insane admin.

Stupid leading the stupid, blind leading the blind.

We really need Webb.