What's this?

By: Silver Fox
Published On: 9/12/2006 5:05:10 PM

I see that the Allen camp has announced  that Democrat Benjamin Lambert (28 year member of the  House of Delegates and State Senate)has sent a letter of endorsement, supporting Allen's re-election.  What is going on?!!!!  He hopes to continue working with Allen long after the November election?  Now I know I'm not at all hooked into the ins and outs of Virginia politics on the state level and I haven't got a clue where the bodies are buried, but a Democratic State Senator endorsing ALLEN...! 
I knew some of the Democratic party regulars were really upset that Jim beat "their" anointed candidate, Harris Miller, but hey, talk about cutting off a body part to spite one's face.  Can someone clue me in?  What's behind this incomprehensible (to me at least) endorsement?


We do not need 2 diaries on the same suject, do we? (phriendlyjaime - 9/12/2006 5:11:23 PM)

Duplicate efforts (Silver Fox - 9/12/2006 5:21:34 PM)
No we don't.  I hadn't seen the previous diary until after I had sent off this one so if there's a way to transfer this over as a comment, tell me how to do it or just cancel this one.  I had just heard the news and was wondering what was going on and asking for information on why he endorsed Allen.  As I said I don't know the ins and outs of the state political infighting, but I do know we have to keep the high ground.  I agree with you that we should NOT make disrespectful and negative comments.  Mr. Lambert obviously has his reasons.  I just wondered what they were.

The other diary was deleted while I was out. (phriendlyjaime - 9/12/2006 8:39:36 PM)
I wasn't attacking you, and I would hate for you to think that.  I just simply think that this is such a small and insignifiant issue that a front paged diary and 2 on the side are a bit of what I would call overkill.

(Plus, I just don't think it's that big a deal, and I think we would all be better off attacking Allen than someone who endorses him)