Other Thoughts on the NY Times Editorial and National Leadership

By: KathyinBlacksburg
Published On: 9/11/2006 10:41:26 AM

We have neither leadership nor honesty in those trying to lead.  Instead of doing the right thing and telling the truth, leading Americans in common purpose, the supposed leader uses every opportunity to exploit a tragedy, manipulate a populace, spend our assets to benefit his donor pool, and grab more power for himself.  And after all that, he and his fellow chicken-hawks blame critics, who just want real solutions, real effort by the administration instead of gussied-up pork, leadership with integrity, not regurgitated revisionism.  And now, even the NY Times blames them.
The administration and its drones tell us not to be partisan on 9-11, or ever, when the whole past five years, and especially today have been brutally appropriated by this administration as a campaign prop.  They defile the lives lost on 9-11 and the sacrifice of those beloved soldiers who only try to serve their country with honor.

They day Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice, and George W. Bush took to the airwaves to mislead, abuse, and even to terrorize Americans with their constant fear-mongering, was the day partisanship died.  But worse, the day they used the tragic deaths of 2700 people and the four hundred or so who+óGé¼Gäóve died aroudn the world to terrorism in the past five years following 9-11, to exaggerate beyond recognition a threat, to portend it+óGé¼Gäós +óGé¼+ôWorld War III,+óGé¼-¥ or war with no end is the day Demagoguery replaced republicanism (with a lower-case r).  Think about it.  In the past five years, according to Nightly News on NBC this past July, 400 people have died internationally to terrorism (this obviously does not include the Iraq war, which isn+óGé¼Gäót and wasn+óGé¼Gäót ever about a terrorist threat or attack by Iraq against us.)  That+óGé¼Gäós fewer than a 100 people a year world-wide.  And Bush has the temerity to stake out and put in his crosshairs our Constitution, our system of laws, our right to dissent, our right to information that should be public, our right to a free and open press!

This cannot be called a bipartisan failing in the sense the NY Times means it.  How can a minority, closed out from discussion, manipulated out of hearings and votes, disallowed to even read bills before votes be blamed for not being the solution?  The Times must be kidding -- or throwing a line to the GOP. 

What I do blame Democrats for is not being strong enough to stand up to Bush on Iraq.  By so failing, they also have made the situation worse.  But they really had little say in the first place.  The truth is also that the Democrats have had more productive solutions (with dismantling what characterizes this nation).  They recommended Homeleand Security, which Bush opposed --until he realized it wouldn't fly to oppose it.  He also by then had figured out how to misuse DHS to enrich cronies.  They+óGé¼Gäóve proposed better container inspections and better funding of security means.  Yet Bush hasn+óGé¼Gäót either budgeted or appropriated properly.  Democrats have consistently called for full implementation of the 9-11 Commission Report recommendations.  The Bush administration has no interest in this.

The truth is we are alone.  We have no leadership.  What poor excuse for it we have is more interested in its own consumption, greed authoritarianism and raw power.  And so we are alone, completely alone.  Let+óGé¼Gäós hope that a true national leader emerges to bring us to a better path.  Let+óGé¼Gäós pray it happens this fall and in 2008.  Of all days we must think about the possibilities, how we can each make a difference, and how if only more than 2% of the most hard-core would be more informed, more resistant to revisionism, more attentive, more engaged, we would have it made.  America would be the participative union of millions all working in common purpose so our government is the best reflection of our best selves.


Left out something important (KathyinBlacksburg - 9/11/2006 10:46:08 AM)
I inadvertantly omitted the numbers who died in the Pentagon on Sept 11.  I am sorry for that omission.

More (KathyinBlacksburg - 9/12/2006 8:43:16 PM)
"GOP" missing from "(with dismantling...)".  It should appear just before with.  Yesterday, I typed in the corrections, but evidently they didn't "take." Apologies...