Drake: An Independent Voice My Ass

By: elevandoski
Published On: 9/7/2006 7:29:51 PM

Thelma Drake is continuing with the TV ads calling herself an "Independent Voice". Well maybe in a world where "independent" is defined as "GOP sycophant".

Or, perhaps she, like Independents Rudolph and Hermie, can find that world where they can be dentists instead of having to fix toys, or reform campaign finance laws.

Maybe Thelma is redefining +óGé¼+ôindependent+óGé¼-¥ into something of her own spin on +óGé¼+ôcut and run+óGé¼-¥. Cut and run from the Bush team.

Nope, that doesn't work. Once a rubber-stamper, always a rubber-stamper.

Or maybe she's thinking "independent" as in "flip flopper" as "pollsters say independent voters are particularly open to the idea of setting some sort of timetable for withdrawal, the very policy Democrats have embraced and Republicans are now fighting." (NY Times, June 22, 2006) Nope, that idea doesn't fly either. She would otherwise loose her crown as GWB's cutest cheerleader.

Nope, those definitions of "independent" just aren't feasible. The only explanation is indeed she is an Independent just like Rudolph and Hermie, and belongs instead on the Island of Misfit Toys.


Where is the pride? (Bubby - 9/7/2006 8:54:17 PM)
Where are the tall-in-the saddle Republicans? Has Thelma lost her nerve? 

Dutch is rolling in his grave. Hell is experiencing global cooling.

"Independent Voice" also includes (beachydem - 9/8/2006 10:22:25 AM)
visits from Bush, Cheney and Laura!  Good one Thelma!!!