Warning! Warning! Ego Alert, Raise Shields!

By: Lowell
Published On: 7/2/2005 1:00:00 AM

Wow, it's not often you see bloggers patting themselves on the backs like this.  Like many of you, of course, I had been hearing rumors for weeks regarding the real identity of the pseudonymous "Not Larry Sabato" (NLS) blogger(s).  I had also heard that his/their ego(s) knew no bounds.  Now, we are on the verge - are you all sitting down? - of having the great NLS revealed.  But, before he/they tell us how he/they really are, he/they feel it necessary to first tell us how great he/they are:

It's clear we are not only covering this years election, but also having an impact.

In the next few days you will be able to know more about the writers here, as we begin to unveil our identity in the Washington Post.

Many of the candidates running and their staffs tune in here also. Often times when we bash one of them the issue is corrected almost immediately. For example, when our picture of Brian Moran went up from his site last week, within 2 days it was replaced with a much more flattering one. When we pointed out Dave Marsden had his endorsements listed with the wrong offices, the page was down the next morning, and up corrected soon thereafter. When we pointed our Jim Hyland's attacks were very strong for this point in the campaign, they were replaced with a much more positive message. Hey- we should be getting paid for this!

Oh. My. God.  Is this for real or what?  Ack!  OK, let's get this straight just in case you missed the point: NLS is having a (self-proclaimed) impact and should be getting paid for blogging!  Virginia's House of Delegates candidates are hanging on NLS's  every word!  And now we get to find out, possibly maybe, NLS's real identity in the "Not Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Paper" rag!  Wow, be still my beating heart!

All I can say is, we've got a major ego alert onboard and possibly a warp core breach in project.  Virginians, all I've got to say is it's time to raise shields and fire all phasers, ''cuz we've got at least one Washington Post reporter's ego - possibly two -  running wild, completely out of control.  And that, my friends, is a frightening thought. Be afraid.  Be very afraid.
