Staunton News Leader: "Allen, dogged by protest, skips downtown"

By: PM
Published On: 8/26/2006 8:45:51 AM


Things did not go well for George Allen in Staunton yesterday:

Sen. George Allen gave the slip to protesters, supporters and city officials today, bypassing an afternoon stop in downtown Staunton for an unannounced lunch break at a local drive-in restaurant.

The last-minute change in plans came minutes after a man identifying himself as a University of Virginia law school student broke in front of reporters at an event at Staunton+óGé¼Gäós Holiday Inn, forcefully asking the senator, +óGé¼+ôHave you ever used the word n-----?+óGé¼-¥

He also questioned why Allen, a one-term Republican senator and former governor, had once displayed a noose in his office.

Allen, caught off-guard but still smiling, put his hands on the man+óGé¼Gäós shoulders and offered to speak to him later, but aides quickly led the man out of the room and Allen soon boarded his bus and left.
