Washington Post on Allen's "Apology"

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/24/2006 5:49:35 AM

Today's Washington Post editorializes that George Allen's phonecall to S.R. Sidarth, apologizing for his "macaca" comments, amounted to "apologizing without really apologizing."  According to the Post:

The senator's gesture was apt, but it hardly seemed sincere. Even as he apologized, his campaign continued its two-faced strategy of simultaneously scoffing at the entire incident as what Dick Wadhams, Mr. Allen's campaign manager, has said is a contrivance. To Mr. Wadhams, politics means never having to say you're sorry.


With Mr. Allen plummeting in the polls and his reelection prospects now in doubt, he and Mr. Wadhams are in damage-control mode. They have dropped their far-fetched insistence that the word "macaca" referred to Mr. Sidarth's hairstyle. But they ought to get their stories straight. Is the Allen campaign really sorry? Or are the senator's adversaries just making a mountain out of "macaca"?

So, what do you think?  Is George Allen sincere in his "apology" to S.R. Sidarth (note: according to the Washington Post, "Asked whether he thought the apology was sincere, Sidarth declined to comment.") Or is he simply heartsick about his Senatorial and Presidential prospects going down the drain?  Finally, why did Allen use a racial epithet to begin with, and why did his campaign try for almost two weeks to explain it away?  I don't get it.

Lowell Feld is Netroots Coordinator for the Jim Webb for US Senate Campaign.  The ideas expressed here belong to Lowell Feld alone, and do not necessarily represent those of Jim Webb, his advisors, staff, or supporters.


george allen is not sorry...... YET!!!! (pvogel - 8/24/2006 5:57:39 AM)
He will not be sorry until the first Tuesday after the first monday in November, when he loses the election. Only then will he be sorrry. We must keep the pressure on, or this modern day racist pig will be allowed to wallow around another 6 years. Jeesh,  a lot of racists will be emboldened if he wins!

Racists will be emboldened.... (Left Wing - 8/24/2006 9:31:36 AM)
...but mostly Allen will be emboldened.  It could hand him the republican nomination for president in 2008.  Democrats nationally NEED TO KNOW this isn't just about Virginia or having a democratic majority in the Senate.  It's also about increasing the chance of having Allen as the next president which would be like a third Bush term.  When they see the "macaca" tape, they need to consider "that could be our next president".

He's sorry... (Eric - 8/24/2006 8:37:18 AM)
He's sorry he got busted using a slur he thought no one would pick up.

He's sorry that his mixture of apologies are going over like a lead balloon.

He's sorry that the press, the blogs, and public are making a big deal out of his right to free speech.

He's sorry that his numbers are falling and he really could lose his seat.

But he's NOT sorry that he's a racist, or that he insulted one of his constituents multiple times in a one minute span in front of a jeering crowd, or that this is just politics.

So yes, he is sorry... just not sorry for what he should be sorry for.

Dick Wadhams (Bubby - 8/24/2006 9:18:39 AM)
I've come to the conclusion that Dick Wadhams (don't you love that name!) is an important asset to the Webb Campaign.  And Webb doesn't even have to pay him!  Heckuva job Dickster!

The Always Boneheaded Grover Norquist - - - (PM - 8/24/2006 9:25:49 AM)
The New York Times quotes Grover thusly: 

"Grover Norquist, a Republican strategist, dismissed criticism of Mr. Allen’s reported displays of the battle flag as a young man, including in his yearbook photo.

“Does the left want to say that anybody who when they were 17 or in college wore a T-shirt with Che Guevera on it was a Communist?’’ Mr. Norquist said. “I am sorry, but being a rebel when you are in high school is what you want to do.”

Uh, yeah, Allen did all this stuff when he was 17. 

No, Grover, that's when Allen was in his beating-up-people stage.

pluto demoted (pvogel - 8/24/2006 9:50:34 AM)
We need to treat Allen like he is pluto!!!!!  A dwarve amonst equals...

The apology is getting more airtime on TV than the offense (Used2Bneutral - 8/24/2006 10:32:16 AM)
So far this morning on just channel 4 NBC the story of Allen's apology has gotten airtime at least once an hour with clips from the original video (at least 5 times that I have seen it first hand)..... only they HAVE mentioned the campaign worker and especially Webb's name each time as his opponent. I even saw the apology story on the national cable networks late last night as well....... Maybe we can get Allen to apologize for something else, we know he is sorry for something !!!  What's the first rule of media marketing 101... "Any publicity is PUBLICITY"... Webb could not have afforded the air time alone, let alone the positive spin content for his campaign of the message for Webb....

I got it !! We can get Allen to apologize for his major supporting of the telecommunications act that he and the administration are trying to pass through the Senate in the next few weeks...  you know the one that Google and others are fighting in the name of "Net Neutrality" because it allows the big phone companies to inspect, bill and prioritize internet traffic based on the content and destinations... you know like liberal bloggers..... OBTW, that same bill (which the house has passed) which almost completely cuts the funds for college, government, and public access TV in most areas.... and raises cable rates in poor ares while cutting them in rich neighborhoods..... and requires the turn over to the phone companies of the new "free" metropolitan WiFi networks the cities are building so they can operate them instead and bill users instead of FREE access..... and those are just some of the big stuff that this law would give away to Verizon, ATT/SWB, Bell South, etc. etc.  Remember Allen is specifically the chair of one of the subcommittees that is trying to ram this bill through before the elections.

The Truth (Doug in Mount Vernon - 8/24/2006 10:54:39 AM)
You know, I used to cringe when Lowell and others would make a play on Wadhams' name.

But you know what?

He really IS a Dick Wad(hams).

The true George Allen (bladerunner - 8/24/2006 12:14:52 PM)
We all know that when George Felix said his "Macca" comment that it was coming from the heart. When he said it all the people he was addressing laughed pretty good. Because they knew what he was saying--he was making fun of Sadirth. It boggles my mind that so many people in Virginia are willing to support this hateful man. It should be an embarrassment(sp) to have an Allen Sticker one's car.

Also the Post is right in pointing out that Allen's team is trying to have it both ways--Allen making the obligatory apology and Wadhams telling the base it's all the medias fault he didn't mean anything when he said it. There hope being that everyone is satisfied. McCain is doing the same thing' he's bashing Bush then acting like an oral bidet for Bush. As things get worse for the GOP expect more of this out of both sides of the mouth stuff. Also as Felix Allen get's more desperate and put into a corner expect him to behave like a rabid racoon would.

I expect some very ugly stuff coming out of this (thegools - 8/24/2006 1:03:14 PM)
Dick Wad and Allen as they slide further down.  They have the money to do it.  Also remember, Allen always says he likes a "good fight."  This time he will have to fight to have any chance.

More SOP's (Eric - 8/24/2006 1:05:37 PM)
The quotes in the WAPO article by some of the Allen supporters are classic...

The Blame the Victim trick

"I don't think it was intended to be negative, but it was to someone from the Democratic Party who was, let's face it, making trouble."

Making trouble?  Standing quietly to the side video taping is making trouble?  What will that Sidarth guy get into next?  Obeying the speed limit?  Paying his bills on time?  Yeah, he's a real trouble maker.

The Look Forward trick

"We make mistakes, we apologize and we move on,"
"God forgives us for our mistakes. If he can do it, so can the media and all those offended."

I kinda like this philosophy - it allows anyone to do anything they want, and instead of go to jail, or get fired from a job, they just have to apologize and move on.  It's the future that counts, not what you did in the (recent) past.  Hell, accountability and responsibility are overrated, especially when a contrite "sorry" will do the trick.

For More on These Tactics, See John Dean's New Book (bb10 - 8/24/2006 6:16:21 PM)
Eric is exactly right about this.

And if you want to understand how conservatives can do horrible things, and then quickly forgive themselves, I recommend the new book by John Dean entitled "Conservatives Without Conscience." More info here. It's good preparation for the flood of dirty tricks we're likely to see soon.

mistakes and apology (pvogel - 8/24/2006 3:19:23 PM)
see post above. Some born agains think that if yo just be sorry, accept xst, all your sins will be expunged.

That may be true for the afterlife{Who really knows?} But it sure aint true during your life. George allen must be voted out of office in november, and any folks who support him mest know that they are racists too.

Every allen event must have silent macaca banners ,  Im sure that no one will forget.

Bush, you dog.  You are really the worst president ever{as of 2006}