WTF?!? Dick Wad(hams) Blames Webb Campaign for Macaca!!!

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/22/2006 1:58:41 PM

Allen for Senate campaign manager, Dick Wadhams, sent out a memo (see below the fold; bolding added for emphasis) this past weekend in which he whined, complained, and blamed everyone but George Allen for his "macaca" comments. Unbelievably, Wadhams actually claimed that it's DEMOCRATS who are running a "negative campaign" and "play[ing] the race card" because we "have no positive ideas to run on."  Wad(hams) also lashed out at the evil media for having the audacity to cover a story "that did not warrant coverage in the first place."  Wad(hams), apparently not accustomed to LOSING, then proceeded to whine about "the Washington Post alone doing major stories on the same issue for 5 consecutive days."  Horrible, I know.  Awwww. Life's a bitch.

Oh yeah, and somehow the Webb campaign itself - working "hand-in-hand" with that evil media again - was actually responsible for the "macaca" incident, "[l]iterally putting words into Senator Allen's mouth that he did not say."  Those nasty, nasty "liberal interest groups," damn them!  Why are they always bothering great men like George Felix Allen, with his "long, positive, successful track record" of "public service?"  Oh but wait, Dick Wad(hams) then admits that Allen made a "mistake" - who hasn't made them, after all, and why are the vicious liberals crucifying him for it? - after an exhausting week of hard campaigning.  Gee, I could have sworn Allen thrived on that stuff, gaining energy from campaigning not losing it.  Whatever.

By the way, Dick Wad(hams), can you please provide us the evidence that "Senator Allen apologized to the Webb campaign staffer in specific?"  Because we all must have missed it, including the staffer - S.R. Sidarth - himself.  Oh, and while you're at it, can you kindly tell your wonderful public servant of a candidate to STOP LYING ABOUT JIM WEBB?  For your information, Dick Wad(hams), Jim Webb has been to Southwestern Virginia HUNDREDS OF TIMES in his life.  He has relatives who live there and ancestral roots going back generations in that part of Virginia. Can George "California Cowboy" Allen say the same?  Of course not, but he sure puts on a good act at whatever he does in life.

Finally, I've got just one simple question for you: if George Allen truly does have "a long, positive, successful track record as a member of the House of Delegates and House of  Representatives, as our Governor and now as our United States Senator," then why the hell don't you run your campaign on that wonderful record?  Why, instead, do you spend all your time, money and energy attempting to tear down an American Hero like Jim Webb?  Perhaps because your current client has never been in combat, never written a book (has he even READ one?), never won an Emmy Award for reporting from a war zone, never done dogshit to make this world a better place to live, never thought for himself ("yes, Master Bush, I am you servant - command me!")?  Is that why you resort to this pathetic, sniveling, bitching and whining, unbecoming to a manly man "conservative" like yourself?  Well, sorry Dick Wad(hams), but as we've been saying for months now, JIM WEBB IS GEORGE ALLEN'S WORST NIGHTMARE.  And, sorry to say, but that nightmare's not going to end for another 77 days.  Think of it as being locked into a movie theater showing "Snakes on a Plane" over and over and over and over again.  Ha.

Memo from Dick Wadhams


To: GOP leaders/Allen campaign leadership

From: Dick Wadhams, Campaign Manager

Re: Notes on a tough week

August 19, 2006

I think it is obvious that this past week was difficult one for Senator and Mrs. Allen and the campaign. It is very clear that the news media created what they call a "feeding frenzy", with the Washington Post alone doing major stories on the same issue for 5 consecutive days.

Literally putting words into Senator Allen's mouth that he did not say (by speculating, defining and attributing meanings and motives that simply are not true), the Webb campaign and the news media seeming worked hand-in-hand to create national news over something that did not warrant coverage in the first place.

Even after Senator Allen apologized to the Webb campaign staffer in specific, and to anyone who may have been offended in general, the news media continued to print and re-print the same speculations and inaccurate portrayals of Senator Allen's comments. Never in modern times has a statewide officeholder and candidate been so vilified in a desperate attempt to revive a campaign that was fast-sinking - the Webb campaign.

Senator Allen has said that his comments were a mistake. Who among us has not made mistakes? In fact, how many of us could put in the hours of work, travel, meetings, campaigning, etc. that Senator Allen has over the years and make as few mistakes as he has?

Apparently the media's standard for candidates is now that they must be perfect, not human, and that no mistake or verbal gaffe is to be forgiven, no matter how much the candidate apologize. Will the Washington Post hold it's candidate for the U.S. Senate to the same standard? We will see, but I'm not holding my breath.

The bottom line for us, friends, is that same as it has always been.  We cannot rely on the news media to get our positive, constructive message out to the voters. In fact, we cannot expect them to be objective, let along fair. As always, we have to do it together, getting our message directly to the voters.

Senator Allen has a long, positive, successful track record as a member of the House of Delegates and House of Representatives, as our Governor and now as our United States Senator.

There is hardly a place you can go in the Commonwealth that Senator Allen has not visited at least once or touched in some way. Senator Allen and Susan Allen have impacted the lives of tens of thousands of Virginians through their public service and volunteer activities. This is evident to anyone who has participated in a Listening Tour stop this year.

He was there long before his opponent discovered there were such places in Virginia. And, he will be there long after his opponent has faded from the scene.

Looking Ahead

There is no question that this is a tough year to run for the Senate as a Republican. The Democrats and their liberal constituency groups, such as, are pouring millions of dollars into television attack ads, seeking to take control of the Senate and House. Rep. Thelma Drake has already been a target of their vicious attacks. We expect to see Senator Allen attacked in the same way.

The reason the Democrats run such negative campaigns and always play the race card, is that they have no positive ideas to run on. That is as true this year as in any other. The fact that they have attempted to make race an issue so early in the campaign is evidence of just how desperate they are.

Senator Allen summarizes his public service as making Virginia a better place to live, learn, work and raise a family. And, that's what this campaign is all about.

Senator Allen will win because he is right on the issues. He will win because he has done a great job as Senator and Governor. He will win because he has stayed in touch with Virginians and been responsive to their needs. He will win because he and Susan will work harded than anyone to get the job done.

And, Senator Allen will win because of your help and support. Now is the time to rally for Senator Allen and our Congressional candidates. Now is the time to get our positive message out door-to- door, by telephone and at fairs, festivals and meetings of all sizes.

You are the secret weapon that Senator Allen has always confounded the pundtis with.

Let's show the liberal interest groups that by coming to Virginia, they have gotten more than they bargained for and that they need not bother us ever again!

Dick Wadhams, Campaign Manager

P.S. Loved all the typos, Dick.  "Worked harded?"  "The candidate apologize?"  "Pundtis?"  I know you wrote this in a frothing-at-the-mouth rage, but did you ever hear of spell check? I know, I know, more "mistakes" - you guys seem to make a lot of them!

Lowell Feld is Netroots Coordinator for the Jim Webb for US Senate Campaign.  The ideas expressed here belong to Lowell Feld alone, and do not necessarily represent those of Jim Webb, his advisors, staff, or supporters.


What a whiny little punk! (DanG - 8/22/2006 2:04:59 PM)
I say we slap the bitch out of him and donate more money to Jim Webb!


This is also on Kos (phriendlyjaime - 8/22/2006 2:08:14 PM)
and I wish our fun little trolls would come play over there so they could play with a lot more people willing to troll rate them into oblivion.  But, like Allen and Dick Wad, they are lacking a certain body part that would give them the courage to do so....

Welcome back! (Bubby - 8/22/2006 3:46:19 PM)
We're using #7 shot for the little trolls, #5 shot for the bigger ones.

THE NON APOLOGY (JPTERP - 8/22/2006 2:54:50 PM)
This means that the apology issue is still very much alive.  What was said on Tuesday, changed on Wednesday, then on Thursday, and once again this past weekend. 

George Allen launches a racial slur at a constituent and can't make up his mind whether he should or shouldn't apologize.  That is a story.

I just heard Allen on Hannity... (Lowell - 8/22/2006 4:07:40 PM)
saying "I apologize, I was wrong, it was a mistake."  Did anyone else hear this or am I imagining it?

I didn't see that, but I'm confused by this (JPTERP - 8/22/2006 6:01:15 PM)
Contrite, not-contrite, two-faced approach to the issue. 

Either George Allen is sorry that he uttered a racial slur, or he isn't.  It's been over a week now and we keep getting different answers.  It would be great if we could run a copy of the Wadhams letter in selected papers throughout the state getting a clarification.  Either he is sorry or he isn't. 

And what's this nonsense about "liberal interest" groups invading Virginia.  I've lived here a hell of a lot longer than Dick Wadhams and my family has been here longer than George Allen.  What is it with these jerks telling us what "our values" are?  I mean really, these guys Wadhams and Allen are a bunch of little pricks.

Check That . . . (JPTERP - 8/22/2006 6:03:51 PM)
The approach could simply be an ad highlighting Allen and Wadhams in their own words over the past week.  The language speaks for itself.

Allen's comment (drmontoya - 8/22/2006 9:41:07 PM)
wasn't the first sign he was racist.

He named his kid, Forrest.

after confederate soldier, and founder of the KKK.

Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Nice job! (David Campbell - 8/23/2006 8:04:31 AM)
This memo is now on the AP wire.  The only thing Dick Wadhams achieved is to prolong the story.  Great job, Dick!  Keep up the good work!