Jim Webb Metro Visibility Idea
By: Todd Smyth
Published On: 8/17/2006 7:21:04 PM
For those of us who Metro (subway) to work each day, carry a stack of the new color brochures along and hold one up like you are reading it. Let people read over your shoulder. Hand them out to people who look interested. Put one in your shirt pocket so Jim's picture and "JIM WEBB" stand out. Let people see it.
Close confined spaces with people crowded together looking for a place to put their eyes is a great way to grab people's attention.
Get off at each station and change cars to cover more people. Take an earlier or later train every once in a while to catch a different batch of people. You can create a great deal of visibility if you do this in the morning and evening commute every week day until the election.
You can take stacks to hand out in the morning before you get on your train and turn around to hand them out in the evening as well. The VRE trains heading out from Union Station in DC from 4:30-6:30pm give people plenty of time to read about Jim Webb on their way out to the ex-urbs of Virginia.
Great idea, Todd. Also... (Lowell - 8/17/2006 7:35:44 PM)
if you live in a high-rise apartment complex, put them up on public bulletin boards and in other obvious locations (legally, of course). Canvass your building, if possible. Spread the word like you're evangelizing. Cuz you are, in a way; spreading the good word about Webb.
Nice tie! n/t (Ingrid - 8/17/2006 8:16:25 PM)
I love it! (drmontoya - 8/17/2006 10:25:05 PM)
can I get some of those stickers?
it's a sticker right?
wait.. (drmontoya - 8/17/2006 10:26:56 PM)
I didn't read the post! it's the brochure.
I should pick some up.
I took a yardsign home (Matt in VA - 8/17/2006 10:44:33 PM)
on Metro from the campaign event on wednesday, you wouldn't believe how many people were staring at it and me. I even got into a conversation with another Webb supporter.
Let them stare.. (drmontoya - 8/17/2006 11:09:38 PM)
Shoot, I might even wear a sign on my back!!!
Good idea (Arlington Mike - 8/17/2006 11:09:43 PM)
Good idea, anything to get people talking.
I don't know if the bumper sticker situation has improved at all for the campaign, I know that for a while, there were none and it seemed tough to get one mailed to you. I'm actually thinking of doing something like taking my $50 contribution and getting stickers printed and hanging them out to folks.
If you go someplace like makestickers.com, you can print them up for less than $1 a sticker in some cases. In 2004, Richard Burr in NC printed up a ton of "euros," like the oval "OBX" stickers everywhere, that just said "BURR" in big letters, I remember seeing them on some friends' cars and on a trip to NC. Would be real easy to do a big batch that just read "WEBB" in big letters and "SENATE 2006" underneath in smaller letters, and then just start handing them out.
Remember the union bug (edgery - 8/18/2006 12:57:33 PM)
The problem with printing them up off a website is that it will mean the materials will not have the union bug on them -- a big no-no for a Democratic candidate.