Senator George Allen gets a New Nickname

By: David M
Published On: 8/17/2006 11:40:37 AM

Over at Vanity Fair, James Wolcott sums up Bush and Allen (Mr. 97%): Virginia, we have a presidential aspirant who's more crap than Bush, and a bigger idiot, boggling as that may be. I speak of course of the man who henceforth shall be known as Senator Shithead.

Greatest Hits:
In addition to all the other press that Allen has gotten over his Macaca stunt, John Stewart and Rob Corddry nail Allen to the wall on the Daily Show over the Senator's racist remark.

And the Huffington Post's James Boyce blasts Allen, then informs his readers of what's to come:

George Allen's a racist. The facts of his derogatory remarks about a young Webb staffer speak for themselves.

But now, he's pulling out the most popular trick in the Republican book of dirty tricks.

He can't debate Jim Webb fair and square on the war. He can't compare military records because when Jim Webb was showing courage under fire in Vietnam, George Allen was showing courage on a horse at a dude ranch out West.

All this adds up to is a collective Ouch for the Allen campaign. Wadhams better think fast if he wants Allen to escape his racist, Dude Ranch past.


Felix's sad lament... (Loudoun County Dem - 8/18/2006 12:34:38 PM)

Don't hate me because I'm a racist... hate me because I'm an imbecile...

Felix's progress (apologies to Mahatma Ghandi):

First they fight you,
Then they laugh at you,
Then they ignore you,
And then you lose.

It only gets worse for Allen (David M - 8/18/2006 4:37:58 PM)
Now a song has been written about his racist about putting both feet in your mouth. Looks like he's going to have to start chewing on those boots of his before this is over.