Tim Kaine Responds Quickly

By: Matusleo
Published On: 6/24/2005 1:00:00 AM

In last year's Presidential contest, John Kerry let the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth attack him mercilessly in the aftermath of the Democratic Convention.  The thinking was that if you reply to an attack, you dignify the attack and keep it in the news.  Well, that strategy backfired badly.  The GOP is very good of keeping a story in the news as we have all discovered.  And since Kerry did not respond, it was the SBVT's story that was reported, and Kerry's unfavorables went up, hampering him for the rest of the campaign.

Our next governor, Tim Kaine , has demonstrated that he will not let any attack against him go unanswered.  The Richmond Times Dispatch reports on Kaine's response to the latest attacks against his position on the death penalty and gun rights.  Kaine even interrupted a fundraiser to film his thirty second TV spots in response to these attacks.  The ads were aired in Norfolk and Roanoke, which will give him good publicity throughout most of rural Virginia.

Conservatives say that it is a sign of desperation that Kaine feels he has to reply so quickly.  And perhaps it is desperation.  Perhaps Kaine is desperate not to let the Scott Howells of the world turn him into a monster with their viscious lies and vile slander.  Who wouldn't want to be known for who they really are instead of the bogeyman these GOP oepratives will try to make him?  Sure, Kaine is desperate for the truth about him to be known.  Nothing at all wrong with that.

In fact, there's a whole lot of right about it.  Kaine is demonstrating that he does not tolerate bullies.  He stands up for himself, and people respect that.  By replying, the story is kept in the media as Kerry himself feared, but not like Kerry feared.  The story that is reported in the media about how Kaine is fighting back.  Both sides are talked about in the media, not just the GOP's version of reality.  That is good for Kaine, and it is good for the Democrats. 

At a time like this, I remember what Q said to Bond in the movie The World is Not Enough: "Never let them see you bleed."  Kaine knows this, and has shown that he won't let himself be a punching bag.  He is not going to bleed.


Update on Supreme Co (Bob Hogan - 4/4/2006 11:27:08 PM)
Update on Supreme Court Ruling of Propery Rights. The more I learn of the ruling, I see a corporate agenda in shady smokey backroom talks. First I learned of a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling on federal, state and local government rights to confiscate private property which is good, but which party voted for it and trust me they (judges) wear party agenda badges under them black robes? Next many states have said their State Constitutions will strike the Supreme GOD's ruling on State Rights from their States which is good also, but the Virginia Housing Commission said they would "study" the ruling which makes me wonder on how the Republican Agenda could turn the Virginia Rural land between McClean to Bristol into a modern New York or Jersey City for everything to out-of-state landfills for Profit to shady under table business corporate deals by shady politicians abusing their powers for greenback profit, the same as Tricky Dick Cheney and Haliburton (war profiteering) on the Supreme Court Gods Ruling. If this is the case our Constituions and Bill of Rights both federal and State will be reduced to toilet paper and local Tim Mcveighs will pop-up everywhere over the unfair property confiscation law. The Law is for China not America.